I'm a little new to scripting, a general explanation of the functions i would need to use and/or a finished script with comments and outlines i could walk through myself would be useful (im not asking for free scripts, i'd probably edit and customize any if i got one to my tastes anyways.)
What i want is probably easiest explained using pictures. So here we go, crappy arts:
http://imageshack.us/a/img607/2549/75029023.png (site doesnt allow .png images? thats unhelpful.)
Woah, that turned out worse than i thought. xD anyways, the camera would roll backwards and look up when the mouse was moved until a certain point, and would roll forwards looking down, rather than just rotating to see more, it would move, more closely simulating a persons head when they look up or down, how could i accomplish this without using built in packages and scripts?
I'f this isn't very clear tell me what i should clarify so that its easier to understand. thanks ^u^