I got it that way from a client whose son got mad at it and punched it- It was spontaneously shutting down and he lost his temper.
My gain!
After removing the ten thousand screws that Toshiba used to hold that thing together, I took the motherboard out to the garage to spend some quality time with the air compressor. This time was used to remove the rug of shmegma that was jammed in the fins of the cpu cooler causing it to overheat.
On reassembly, I purposely omitted the reinstall of the screen and viola!
A headless laptop! Wee! See picture below!
Gah! My laptop screen is cracked!
You have done a fine job sir.
except it looks headless... get it?
The Wanderer - Lost in time:
hmm, i really like that setup. one of my friends laptop screen also got broken, and he does the same setup, except the screen is still attached. he removed the actual physical screen, but not the casing with the expectation of getting it fixed, but it never has. I think i'll point him to this thread and see if he'd like the idea.[spoiler][/spoiler]
Replacement screens are fairly inexpensive. Most of the Toshiba screens I looked at were $50 - $60.
I'm using a 19inch monitor on it now that I got for $5. Here's how it looks today. I'm playing Cave Story on it- for research.
I'm more interested in knowing what happened to that Client's son of yours.
That is a sad story aside from the fact that he is now a millionaire.
How is that for a cliffhanger?
That is a bad news thing to me. I used to service dell laptops as a profession and it is easy to replace the cracked LCD screen as long as the parts were available.
I'm a computer repair technician and I do it all the time these days(I charge $150 for that buy the screen on ebay), but I'm too cheap to spend $50 for a screen on a single core laptop when I have a $5 monitor that is 4 inches bigger!
Incidentally, that device dual boots into Linux Mint for multi thread relevance.
Shortly, I'll post my headless mac story thread. Now that one was a miracle.