Firstly, mostly good replies so far. No one got baited when I suggested that those bombers were guilty at birth—I hope that is because everyone though it was too outlandish to be true rather than because they agreed with it.
I am actually indifferent on this topic, but no one else is representing the other side so I am.
I took this stance because being indifferent on the subject matter seems to somehow be a unique perspective and it allows me to see something about the only side being represented here that those representing it seem not to see. I want to ask a very simple question: “Why are you against this?” But you have all already answered.
There is a conspiracy theory. There is too much control being granted to someone else. There is invasion of privacy. Etc. etc.
Asking “why are you against this” won’t get me past the outer shell of defense. So let me ask a deeper question. “Are your reasons for being against this realistic, or are they just an automatic defensive response to the initial (and entirely imaginary) concept of an invasion of privacy?”
You’ve all just immediately thrown up a wall of defense without even thinking about how necessary such defense really is. For example, if getting added to FBI’s database again resulted in my chances of getting a random anal probe shooting up by 1,000,000%, that would still be a 0% chance. Someone actually proposed the idea of getting strip-searched (I wanted Monica to win by the way) randomly, exemplifying how unrealistic our thoughts can get when we imagine the worst possible side of something on instinct. And an instinctual reaction is all this is. Hodgman said so himself.
These days with modern technology, their job is even easier. They automatically collect and collate files on all of us, whether we rank as a risk or not.
We are all already in their database. For how many of you has that resulted in a random anal probe? 0? Thanks for playing.
Having a second copy of your information in their database isn’t going to change anything in your lives. You sit there and bring up all these excuses for why it is so wrong for them to have your information, but none of what you say actually matters when you consider the fact that they already do have your information. It’s you playing up your fears regarding invasion of privacy, and next week it will be forgotten and on to a new topic. Pretending there is actually a chance of a strip-search ever happening in your life for any reason is nothing but a way to placate an active mind. Good to have an active mind though.
Initially I was on the sidelines because the first thing that came to my mind was that I am already in some database or another and that’s never impacted my life at all, nor will it ever. But I kept seeing people saying how terrible it would be for Google to give its database to the FBI, and I had to ask myself, “Are they not aware that they are already in FBI’s database?” So I am watching these people go on about how terrible being in an FBI database is when they are actually already in it, and I have to step in.
Additionally, no one has addressed the statistical anomaly of being singled out in a database of over 1,000,000,000 users. A wise choice not to even challenge that one! Somehow you can dream up fears of randomly being strip-searched but when we break it down into numbers (something on which it is harder to let the imagination run) you don’t dare step up to the plate (wisely so).
So, here is what is happening.
A bunch of people heard that a database, which includes their personal information, might be given to the FBI.
For whatever reason, these people forget that that database also includes over 1 billion others’ information. Easy to care only about yourself or for some reason think that your information matters more than Brad Pitt’s. Because if someone else gets punched in the face you don’t feel it.
Imaginations flare. “My infos!” …yeah, your infos. My password got leaked when Anonymous hacked some site a few years ago. The site was about hacking, and as the author of Memory Hacking Software I would have been a prime target, yet nothing. How many of you fell victim to the PlayStation Network hack recently? Oh no your infos!…were completely ignored by the perpetrators.
That you would ever be singled out in any attack is all in your imagination. But it’s fun so let’s do it!
And then next week a new topic is posted and this one is forgotten. And no matter what is said in this topic nor what actually happens between the FBI and Google, your lives will remain 100% unchanged. I guarantee it.
Inside we all know that. But that is boring. We want something to discuss.
I just wish we had something with more…realism or substance. Something plausible at least. And not something that is only an issue just because now someone is talking about it. You’re already in their databases, as Hodgman so kindly mentioned. You are just thinking about it now because someone mentioned it, and soon you will be back to your regularly scheduled programs.
L. Spiro
I feel unusually bad about this post. I can’t put my finger on it but I am not saying what I want to say how I want to say it or something. I am trying to represent the other side and I want to use strong language (and even to be an ass, like in a tasteful manner. Like a tasteful ass. Like—that didn’t come out right) to make an impact, but I’m off somewhere.
I can’t find the specific point I would edit, so I am just letting it out there with this disclaimer that my views are not necessarily my own I am trying to take a side that is not necessarily my own and I don’t seem to be so skillful at articulating things about which I do not feel passionately.
The general idea that anything we discuss here will be forgotten a week later could be applied to any topic, but this one is irking in a manner because it’s the only topic where people seem to think otherwise. They seem to really believe that something between the FBI and Google will actually impact them.
My presentation is terribly off here as I am trying to defend a view that is not really my own. I apologize in advance (I assume that you, like me, read everything bottom-up, as all normal humans do, so this should be the first thing you read).