1) you missed the point, my argument wasn't about me going and buying a disk, and then turning out i had to dl a 20gb game. no i understand that buying the disk ment i didn't have to dl the game. his argument was that, "o i don't have to actually give my disk to my friend to lend it to them, even if they are on the other side of the planet, i can lend it to them, and they will just dl the game." but for someone in my position, being lent a digital game(where i don't have the physical disk) is completely impractical.
also, let's look at this from another point of view. what's the point of buying single player games, if all i have to do is wait for one of my xbox live buddies to get bored of it? I'd think this would hurt the industry more than used sales. it'd also force devs to always shoe-horn in some type of multiplayer component, even for campaigns.
2) no, it is an damn issue. get over you high horse for being someone lucky enough to live where you get decent internet. I don't wanna be left in the past simply because i can't afford good enough internet. I still wanna enjoy some of the great franchises available, that will only continue onto the newer generation. think of what future elder scrolls have in store when their baseline hardware has finally jumped up a notch.
3) none of this was ever made clear, and if it was, i'd like to ask for an official link to microsoft. otherwise, all your doing is grasping at "what-ifs".
4) you could say that about the ps3, it came out more expensive than the X1, and still is played heavily in third-world countrys. you have a pretty strong attitude of "it doesn't affect me, so who gives a rat ass about you."
1) I'm not entirely clear that it isn't you who is missing the point. My point was that if you're ina position where you can't download 20GB of game data, your friend can still lend you his "copy" -- that is, his license to play the game -- digitally, and if at some point you ever had a physical copy of that game in your system, you would not need to download it at all, as long as you still have the disc image on your machine. No purchase necessary.
2) Why are your minority preferences so important that they should hold back a majority of people who don't face such restrictions. I can sympathize with your situation, but its not as if playing certain games on certain hardware is a human right. If you're in rural China its appropriate to consider ox-drawn carts when building a road, that doesn't mean its much of a consideration for the first-world.
3) I don't have a citation handy, but I can confirm that I've also read that myself.
4) You have a pretty strong attitude of "it does affect me, so who gives a rats ass about the rest of you." You're of course entitled to speak out and lobby for your own benefit, but lets not pretend that you doing so is any less self-interested. Holding back a majority, for benefit of a minority is, in this case, likely doing a greater disservice to the platform as a whole, and its typical user.