So, this has always been a concept i've wanted to do. several tv shows have tackled the concept(star trek voyager, stagate sg-1, various other sci-fi shows).
Generally the concept is pretty simple, get a ship, fly it through some obstacles. generally their's asteroid fields, flying close to a sun, long strenchs of space, etc, and come in first place.
it's pretty straight-forward, but when i've tried to tackle these before, i didn't know how to really make it work. I've made flying around an asteroid field which is pretty simple, but some of the more exciting/complex aspects shown in tv shows doesn't really translate to gameplay easily imo.
for example, flying around a sun sounds interesting, but I'm not really sure of a way to make it work decently, you could opt for the route of having to avoid solar flares, and etc by forcing the user to fly close to the sun's surface. or perhaps some sort of shield managing mini-game to make sure you don't get fryed while being so close.
but i'd like some other ideas for things to do, and how to spice up such a concept with different obstacles, and concepts.
any thoughts on the subject?