Yes, I know. I just think than no matter how polished the front view throne image would still look odd...
I wonder about the throne picture, somehow I find it annoying... Maybe it's because of the black background and it should be inside a border+background (as a big picture at the top?) Or maybe drazw this throne as a screen background and it will become fully visible after you get rid (deny or grant) of the audiences for the turn?
It was just a mockup for showing the concept. Your sci-fi game certainly shouldn't use a 1700 AD throne, and you previously mentioned you'd like guards visible around the throne. The scene background is a great idea, uncovering the picture more, and might look good with a gathered crowd of courtiers in semi-silhouette looking towards the throne from the bottom, with the audience panels partially covering them.
I think 2 solutions are possible here:
1) top down full screen background with the throne room picture, as explained before
2) Small/medium interactive icons at the top, the biggest one would be the throne (with stars as indicator of focus points left), smaller icons of guards (when you mouse over it shows the chance of surviving assassination attempt), a chancellor with a number on it which shows how many people are waiting for audience (if they don't fit on the screen), maybe portraits of ministers (you get a report after clicking) or some advisors (with advices).
How about ressolving audiences after the turn? During a turn you can only select "grant audience" or "reject" (if non of these selected the audience rquest simply carry over next turn or expire waits too long). When you click the end turn you are presented the decisions for each audience one by one (you can't come back, just a seriest of decisions), audiences that do not require decision are not presented after the turn, just carried over.
Does it make sense? Should I go for this mechanic or is there a better one?