When you say 'home studio', do you simply mean a setup for recording and producing audio, or do you mean the kind of thing Dave Grohl has in his house? 'Home studio' often refers to a very basic set up (pair of stereo monitors, computer w/DAW software, recording interface, and perhaps some microphones). You couldn't do freelance audio work without a basic set up such as that, and I imagine it would be rare for someone to get a nine to five DAW gig without previously owning a DAW, so yeah, they would have a 'home studio' too, in all probability.
Well technically I think this is up for us to decide individually. The name of the assignment is "project studio" so to me that means it's not like a full blown studio built in your basement. The class I took previous to this one required a book that had all the info on how to build a studio like this, so if I had wanted to do that for this project I at least could have referenced something to know what I needed. But yeah. I mean some of the people in this class already have a home studio, so I imagine that their paper would be more about turning it into a professional studio. Who knows? But for me I would be starting out with nothing.
It's actually a pretty small paper (hard for me since I like to ramble), I think he said he wants it under 1000 words, and less if possible, but he has a giant list of questions we have to answer. We just have to do it as concisely as possible. Plus there is the shopping list part of it. I'm already finished (I better be, it's due in an hour and half).
If you had the nine to five job, costs of living would still seriously limit the amount of money you have left over for a home studio, at the end of the day. Based on a typical salary, you could estimate your MINIMUM income after a year, while adding a potential range of profits based on freelance, as well. I'm not sure how 'true to life' you need to be, mind you.
This definitely occurred to me recently and I scrapped the idea of a second paper to see about that. In my first paper I depended on my part time job to pay my cost of living at the very least, so that all of the estimated income from the studio could be spent on building it. So figuring out the all my cost of living expenses sounded like an annoying waste of time when I had already written it. Although it's something I would love to figure out if I had more time.
Scotland sounds like my kind of place :)