As I have posted about before, I'm working on an SRPG type game in the mold of Final Fantasy Tactics or Disgaea. One thing I'm focusing on is making battles play out quickly most of the time. It is turn based, and thus, when the player wishes to take his/her time to plan things out then he/she is free to do so, however on the other hand when the player knows what needs to be done the battle should play out quickly.
I'm primarily looking to achieve this by having a solid interface that does what the player wants with as little input as possible, but in addition to that I'm looking at ways to streamline the battle itself by removing gameplay elements that aren't directly battle related and putting them elsewhere.
To this end, I am pretty sure I am going to remove the awarding of XP from in the battle to the conclusion of the battle where it is given in total to characters according to some set of rules. It's that set of rules that I'm posting about here. I'd like feedback and suggestions as to how I might improve things...
The basic idea is this. An individual enemy will reward some amount of XP based on its type, level, etc. That xp total will be added to a pool that the game holds on to in the background until the end of the battle. So add up all the defeated enemy XP rewards and you have a pool of XP to award to player Characters after the battle. I've thought up a few ways to divide things, none of these are really mutually exclusive, but I am also interested in keeping complexity down as much as possible.
- Have the game track a "score" for each character. An attack is one point, a kill is 3, casting a heal is 1, a debuff on an enemy is 2, etc. After the battle, add up all the scores and get the total points, then divide each characters percent of the total. That character then gets that same percent of the total XP.
- Do the above, but in addition add a modifier after the xp has been divided. That modifier would be based on the difference between a characters level and a rating of battle difficulty. Overleveled characters would be penalized while underleveled ones might get a bonus.
- I could factor in other things such as damage dealt, the effectiveness of a given buff or debuff (If you give someone a strength buff and that char never does anything that uses strength, why should that get you xp), getting reduced to low health and surviving, etc. But I worry that would overcomplicate things. Whatever method is chosen, I want to make sure that the XP awards are relatively transparent and the player has a good idea why one char got more than another.
Mostly I think something along these lines would work pretty well, but I'd like to know what others think.