Hi guys,
What are your thoughts on only allowing the player to control the main character during battle and let the AI control the party members? In particular, I want to know your thoughts on the Final Fantasy 13 battle system. The player basically takes control of only one character, and the allies are AI controlled. The player can change the ally behavior during combat using the paradigm system, where allies are given a particular role to play during battle, the combination of those roles being a paradigm, and the player can switch between a couple of preset paradigms during battle to change how the who party behaves. This is coupled with a modified Active Time Battle System where actions consume a certain amount of the ATB bar, which slowly refills itself.
The reasoning I heard for this kind of battle system is that it makes the gameplay more fast paced and tactical. I'm thinking of designing something similar, where I want to make the battles more fast paced while not become real time combat. I would like to hear your thoughts on whether it is a good idea to give the player less control of allied units, and any suggestions on how to make an RPG battle system more fast paced while remaining tactical. Hope to hear from you soon :)