I was wondering if anyone know good examples of competitive 1v1 games that makes fantastic use of hidden information without it becoming too "luck based" like Poker?
As far as I know, the only good example is Netrunner CCG (or its recenty reboot, Android: Netrunner). In Netrunner, one player is "the Corporation" that tries to advance hidden agendas (faced down cards) guarded by hidden defenses. The other player tries to hack into these agendas and is sometimes able to flip them up to reveal what they actually are.
I got interested in this topic when thinking about redesigning the classic Battleship guessing game. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battleship_(game) What if each player controls just 1 battleship and 2 smaller vessels, which are allowed to move around? Once discovered, a ship stays discovered until it does something to hide again. Firing your cannons reveal your position. So there is some interesting trade-offs between taking out a discovered ship and hiding all of yours etc.