This is a rather small release. I have been a bit wary about making bigger changes in the library the last few weeks because of the many bug reports that I had been receiving. While it's true that no software is never free of bugs, it's also not very pleasant when the number of reports coming in seems to be more than you can handle.
Luckily, it seems I've managed to get passed this phase as it's been quite a while since I've received any new valid bug reports and all the known bugs have been fixed. So I'm now ready to get started on new features again.
As a result of this phase this new release should be one of the best releases ever, with the least amount of bugs to trouble the users.
Even though the most of my time was spent on bug fixes, some new changes made it in. Probably the most notable addition is the new GetTypeTraits helper function. This is an add-on function that takes advantage of C++11 features to automatically determine the correct flags to use when registering a value type with the application. Thanks goes to Heuristics for contributing the initial implementation.
Another minor change is the ability to turn off compiler warnings by setting the engine property asEP_COMPILER_WARNINGS to false. It also possible to make the compiler treat warnings as errors, if so should be desired.