Hello, i wanted your opinion on this topic for which you feel is better, as i have designed a system for the Limb and organ damage on a piece of paper and i wanted to know what you thought.
The basic living entity in the game has an array of body parts(specified as an array of limb objects on the creation of instance of the entity, so one argument containing an array of pre-declared organs) and organs. The organs are a base class with different behaviors dependent on a string implemented on the organ's own instance. For example, when heart is declared to the organs array it is implemented with the string indicating it's influence on the circulatory system. Brain has influence on Nervous etc.(I have no formal medical education so excuse me for anything here that isn't true). These also link to limbs via comparison of the two objects(in the damage function the argument in the if statements say if a certain limb was hit and a certain hit condition was met it would do x to the organ and subsequently the body). For example, when the Thorax is hit there is a small percentage the Heart will gain a percentage of the impetus of the attack and thus cause certain drops on the enemy/friendly entity stats, such as the decrease in global circulation of blood.
The limbs also have separate stats, these being Circulatory points, nervous points and structure points. Circulatory points represent how much blood is in the limb, for example an arm may have 1 litre of blood. As these drop, so does the amount of oxygen getting to the muscles(oxygen isn't a separate variable) and therefore reducing the effectiveness of the limb as well as some other features such as overall decrease in circulatory points if the torso gets hit, for example.
Nervous damage is the influence of the nervous system in a certain area. For example, while the brain is the main organ of the head, the fact it connects to the spinal column guarantees a small amount of nervous points due to the sheer amount of it making it very easy to damage and disable. Some status effects of this will cause disorientation and vomiting(perhaps i may make this a danger to the player, with animals such as trolls or something)as well as organ failure.
Finally, there is structural damage, which represents the bone structure and exoskeleton if applicable to the entity. When this is damaged it may shatter bones(which could be represented by the organs class) and therefore damage the effectiveness of the limb.
On certain designated limbs(specified in the starting arguments for the limb class(a boolean)) reaching 0 on any of these results in death.
Currently, i have created a very basic simulation showing damage to limbs from gun shot wounds(only limbs thus far) and seems to be quite brutal for high calibre rounds as expected(The damage is worked out via the calibre of the bullet * a random variable between 100 and the muzzle velocity of the round) and quite weak for others. I will include it if you want it but it is currently on a separate computer.
What do you think of my idea? How do you think i can improve it?
Thank you for your time