#######Dungeon Fall############
The main setting of this game is fantasy... all about dungeons really. This dungeon looks more like a reversed underground tower (a well or a valut, you name it). I designed this concept for smartphone or tablet: it does use accelerometer (tilting left/right to move sideways) while swipe and touch (thumbs only, so swipe controls need to take in account the limited motions) will be used for other operation (cast magic, attacks or whatever) or using two simple virtual button.
image: http://i41.tinypic.com/2iwas5s.png
The "core" idea for this concept is similar to this and many other clone but it's also extended to a richer gameplay thanks to swipe and/or touch features; the game is pretty much about 2D but since actions are quite limited (walk left/right, fall, attack... and optionally jump, cast magic)
image: http://i41.tinypic.com/2n747bs.png
This scheme is how you should see it on your smartphone/tablet; a spiked ceiling on the top lower constantly trying to squash our hero. Below there's space for two virtual buttons (just touch) if code swipe function is a bit of a issue... but definitely these button should't be used for the main function (walk left/right) otherwise the gaming experience will resemble something coming from the 'ol good '80 handheld gaming
image: http://www.playnow.it/flex/download.php?dkind=image&UImageID=279&thumb=1
Landscape mode
there are three main reason I've opted for this mode rather picture mode one, these are:
1. bigger sprites: on picture mode you can't make the sprite too big otherwise you need larger holes for a small floor
2. gameplay is focus more during the walks and the floor is longer: you need to make quick decision if fall below on the next floor or fight enemies to catch powerups.
3. it's easier to tilt your (supposedly widescreen) smartphone/tablet in landscape mode
[concept] Dungeon Fall
Jackass Penguin is on:IndieDB, Twitter, Facebook, Desura
Support our next title! Dungeon Fall on: IndieDB, Desura, Greenlight
I don't see question or request in your post. What is it that you are seeking?
I don't see question or request in your post. What is it that you are seeking?
Opinions on this way of game design: if the idea is clear or too obscure and what could make it easier to read/understand the game mechanics I had in mind to others. Also, yeah, opinions on the game itself?
Jackass Penguin is on:IndieDB, Twitter, Facebook, Desura
Support our next title! Dungeon Fall on: IndieDB, Desura, Greenlight
The basic idea sounds reasonable, but it's hard to judge whether or not it would actually be fun simply from the description -- perhaps you could try creating a simple prototype (perhaps using a package such as Construct 2 or Game Maker) or even just a video mock-up of how a gameplay session might go. This would also allow you to try out different ideas and get a good feel for what is and isn't fun in the game.
what could make it easier to read/understand the game mechanics I had in mind to others
You might try breaking down your description into different sections describing things such as "controls", "gameplay", "objective", "enemies", etc. rather than having everything together. It can also be helpful to do a brief description of how a short session of play might proceed, or perhaps even create a storyboard or mock-up video to help describe it.
- Jason Astle-Adams
e basic idea sounds reasonable, but it's hard to judge whether or not it would actually be fun simply from the description -- perhaps you could try creating a simple prototype (perhaps using a package such as Construct 2 or Game Maker) or even just a video mock-up of how a gameplay session might go. This would also allow you to try out different ideas and get a good feel for what is and isn't fun in the game.
Well, since I do use ubuntu I guess I had to test with this or this one. I don't expect to give something that playable, but guess having something actually to test with will improve chances to have someone more willing to join me in this project. Just not sure if I have to try this with programming or design through a video (syfig or another animator software)
what could make it easier to read/understand the game mechanics I had in mind to others
You might try breaking down your description into different sections describing things such as "controls", "gameplay", "objective", "enemies", etc. rather than having everything together. It can also be helpful to do a brief description of how a short session of play might proceed, or perhaps even create a storyboard or mock-up video to help describe it.
Absolutely agree on this.
Jackass Penguin is on:IndieDB, Twitter, Facebook, Desura
Support our next title! Dungeon Fall on: IndieDB, Desura, Greenlight
Maybe try having a read through the topic "what programmers want from a designer" -- a lot of the advice also applies to other team members such as artists, composers, etc.
- Jason Astle-Adams
That's a really good reading, it make things definitely great: can't stop to agree to what is written there. Since I had two other "game design" idea to post I was opting for give more variety to catch up some interest, but now I believe best idea is to define deeply a single project before wandering with other stuff from zero.
I am preparing more schemes for the details.
(also adding links for my webcomics in signature to share what kind of stuff I am capable to)
Jackass Penguin is on:IndieDB, Twitter, Facebook, Desura
Support our next title! Dungeon Fall on: IndieDB, Desura, Greenlight
Ok, let me try this. I guess I had to be the first one to put some efforts in this idea. What I can do is some (humble) art and story background: here are all the webcomics I've made. I don't think I am good with animation, but maybe there's a possible solution: find a free 3d knight model and apply these free animations (these bvh are free to use for personal and commercial use)?
Also, I am not good to draw "modular" background, but can give it a try. Definitely I can draw character portrait on screen if needed. Anyway, here's some more details with the game.
Notice: I don't know how much hard can be these things done, so I have introduced the basic/advanced paradigm. What's basic it's the "plain idea", what's advanced add more fun to the gameplay... but it's not essential and thus can be avoided if too much issue to program it)
Accelerometer set the speed in which character runs or walk: the difference between both modes (walk mode and run mode) isn't just about speed but also comes with pros and cons, animations need to be different to make more intuitive these animation (ie: when the character walk the shield is lifted and ready to block == easier to realize the knight is more protected).
How it should work: let's suppose accelerometer has a value between +100 and -100. Value "0" is for "even" or "flat", +100 is the max tilt at left, -100 is max tilt right.
When tilt is between +100 and +80: knight "runs" left at max speed with "run" animation (run mode)
tilt between +79 and +40: knight "walks" left fast with "walk" animation (walk mode)
tilt between +39 and +10: knight "walks" left normal with "walk" animation (walk mode)
tilt between +9 and 0 AND -9: knight stand still waiting (between +9, +1: face left // between -1 and -9 face right)
tilts between "-100 -80", "-79 -40", "-39 -10" are the same exact of the previous one.. but with at right instead left.
[movement advanced option: I though a trick to avoid abuse of the "run" mode: sometime there are puddle on the ground... you can past "safety" them only if you walk... whenever the knight try to run onto it... he fall over on the ground <additional animations for fall and rise up required]
Hit or be hit enemies during "walk" and "run" modes )
Simply touch the screen (or see the "hit advanced option") make our hero swing is sword. There are two type of sword swing possible: aggressive (when knight runs) or passive (when knight walks or stand still). The attack value and the "effectiveness" of each swing also depend on the type. here's a detailed view on how things work.
Aggressive (running): when the knight is running his attack value is increased by 30%~40%, but the animation has more frame so take longer time before take effect (remember the original Street Fighter 2: quick and weak punch/kick has only 1~2 frames, strong punch/kick have more "charging" frames). If the enemy is too close to your knight you may run into him (getting hit) before the sword was even withdrew... and you will suffer heavy damage too! The trade off is that a successful it also make your enemy pushed back.
Passive (walk or stand still): Knight cast sword more fast and repeatedly: you aren't able to harm and push back your enemies that much, but the trade of is that you can swing faster and repeatedly. If you're hit by an enemy facing you, take little damage but you're pushed back. If you're hit by an enemy at your back (most unlikely, but it can happen) you take stronger damage and pushed forward. In this The knight can swing is
[hit advanced option:
optionally the "fire button" can be substituted by the swipe: you can swipe left or right... in which result the knight to swing his sword in both direction regardless the direction he's facing]
coming up next: description on how the hero "falls" and other game mechanics
Jackass Penguin is on:IndieDB, Twitter, Facebook, Desura
Support our next title! Dungeon Fall on: IndieDB, Desura, Greenlight
Anyway, here's what done about Dungeon Fall so far now.
Rosame wasn't the kind of adventurer, nor she would have ever though one day she would pick other people's properties without asking them first: but you know, it's said that when famine hits the whole kingdom, most heals from starving are unlawful.
Rosame wasn't never ever confident with her own inner or outer beauty: that's why she'd become a thief; but she also got her own way to make things clean.
In lands ravaged by famine what possible rich being she could pickpocket? Her first though were about the dead ones: descend into the depths of the catacombs it seemed a smart choice for her.
The poor Rosame.
We control Rosame at her descent on what she think is a catacomb; as soon she enter the dungeon the ceiling fall down... but she manage to survive jumping down in a hole. Once she get on the lower room the ground above her crumble under the weight of the ceiling. Another hole in the ground is her new exist... and so go on until she doesn't reach a special hall (end level) where's she safe from the collapse... but still trapped in the dungeon. So, her only way to escape is yet again to descent to the next underground level... which mean she will run again and again for each Hall until she's able to find a definitive way out of the dungeon.
The game is a 2D sidescroller (descending from top to below). It's all about falling down since Rosame can't climb up... nor can stand still too much time on a single platform (the ceilings are falling like dominoes).
Gameplay and mechanics
Core structure
The camera view descent slowly but constantly; if our heroine Rosame is caught between the ceiling (which is the top of the camera view) and the floor she dies instantly; in order to survive she need to fall through hole to hole on the collapsing grounds, and so go on until she don't reach a safe place (a special room coated in stone/metal) which is the end of the current level (see "development plan" for level-world structure).
Rosame's stats
There are three attributes that will take effect during the gameplay: Speed (SPD), Attack (ATK), Defence (DEF) and Health/HitPoints (HP).
HP: there's nothing special about this, HP works the usual way: [enemy inflict damage to Rosame == HP down], [Rosame collect/use potion (see powerup item section) == HP up]
SPD: the speed in which Rosame moves trigger three different modes ([Idle],[Walks],[Run]: see "Controls section" for more detail ) and four speeds: [idle] = stand still, [walks] == move slow OR normal (same animation, different speeds), [run] == move fast. Ultimately [walk] and [run] modes ATK and DEF (the [walk] and [idle] modes act same but one stand still while other actually moves).
Stats alteration when [idle]/[walk]: this is the defensive mode, ATK is lower but DEF is increased. Also attacks with quick stabs.
Stats alteration when [run]: bersek mode, ATK is increased but DEF is nearly non-existent. Since running, attacks take up much more space and so need a good timing or else you'll crash on enemy (vulnerable area)
Player movement are done though smartphone/tablet screen rotation, currently screen inclination control the mode in which Rosame runs, walks or stand still (you're not supposed to stand still that longer). When Rosame reach an hole, she fall down below: no action is required by the player.
If we assume that the player is holding the handheld laying it on the conjunction between finger and wrists (metacarpals) while index finger is holding up (ref) then player may have both thumbs free (try yourself, you'll see it's not that hard keep this position).
With both thumbs free player can still assume extra control: from the simple tap, to swipe and even pinch to zoom effect (thumbs may have limited movement from the border anyway). Since tilting the handheld it's already a bit of challenge we go for the most easy way: player can use it's thumbs on two simple virtual buttons on the bottom
Controls through device tilting
In order to control both walking directions the player uses screen tilting, also we take advantage of the analog feature for improve gameplay experience: the more the screen is tilted, the more Rosame will run fast.
In the given example, let's assume that the tilting value is +100 and 0 (where 0 is "flat device") for tilting left and between -1 ~ -100 is for tilting right.
+100 and +80: Heroine runs left at her max speed possible, animation is "running" and so [run] her walking mode.
+79 and +40: Heroine walks left steady and (moderately) fast, her animation is "walks" and so [walk] her mode.
+39 and +10: heroine walks slowly left, animation is still "walking" and so her mode [walk]
+9 and 0 (also 0 and -9): heroine stand still, animation is "standing" but you can force her to face left direction (for hit in that direction). The same apply for -1 and -9 value... so player can switch which direction to face without need to actually moving.
Negative value have the same attribute, but speculative (right) direction.
Ok, that's all so far now!
There's some little extra stuff on the official thread and on my youtube channel. But you don't need to get there: I am watching this thread.
Jackass Penguin is on:IndieDB, Twitter, Facebook, Desura
Support our next title! Dungeon Fall on: IndieDB, Desura, Greenlight
Good stuff -- your design is looking a lot more organised, and you're fleshing more things out.
Is this still purely conceptual, or have you started working on a prototype? Tilt controls can sometimes be a bit of a pain to work with, so you'll probably need to do some fine tuning of the actual numbers once you have a game to play with.
- Jason Astle-Adams