Well, I've been thinking of doing a pirate RPG, something along the lines of Sid Meier's Pirates! - but without the dancing <g>.
It would have the same capabilities, sail around, visit ports, send landing parties ashore, etc.
The one thing i haven't figured out is how to handle the POV for ship to ship. Pirates! uses a "copter cam" view (look down on the battle area). Age of Sail II use a "chasecam" view (look at target from behind your ship, with cinematic camera motion). Both sort of suck when it comes to targeting your guns.
At the moment i'm contemplating one of 3 methods:
1. chasecam
2. coptercam
3. first person
in first person, you'd walk around the deck during battle, shouting orders, taking the wheel, sighting a gun, etc. this sounds like it might be more realistic and more exciting as well.
any ideas or suggestions?
which of these sounds best, or does something else sound better?