
What would you make armour out of?

Started by March 05, 2013 03:36 PM
40 comments, last by ShiftyCake 11 years, 11 months ago

-Magical tattoos : the player is naked and is protected by magical tattoos.

-Wind shield : an eternal storm surround the player and deflect the attacks.

I think there are many good ideas, maybe should you choose these which can be link to the background of your story.

-Magical tattoos : the player is naked and is protected by magical tattoos.

-Wind shield : an eternal storm surround the player and deflect the attacks.

I think there are many good ideas, maybe should you choose these which can be link to the background of your story.

Thanks for the ideas! I think both of these are better as defensive spells, with the armours themselves, the idea is that they are static objects while perhaps being made of magical or arcane materials - but you can't take off a wind shield and hang it on a stand...

Tattoos might make an interesting game mechanic in that you can collect magic tattoos which have a permanent effect. I can't think of any games which do this

I've started modeling the different armours and looking at some in-game results, would people be interested to see screenshots?

Paper is a historic material used for armour (and very light and effective). Basically, anything that can be folded like paper (leaves, cut-up reed) could be used in that manner.

"I can't think of any games which do this"

I'm almost sure the two idea I gave already exist in some way.

Do you want to use every possible idea or each one must be linked to something in your world ? (I mean if there is a vampire armour I suppose vampires exist in your world)

"I can't think of any games which do this"

I'm almost sure the two idea I gave already exist in some way.

Do you want to use every possible idea or each one must be linked to something in your world ? (I mean if there is a vampire armour I suppose vampires exist in your world)

I haven't locked down the world yet, so rather than limiting the options, I'm putting in anything that sounds cool and adding a little backstory to the world based on it, so I'm interested in the explanations behind whatever ideas people have as well.

I've started modeling the different armours and looking at some in-game
results, would people be interested to see screenshots?

Yes we are !

I admire the enthusiasm, but you'd be wise to keep in mind that sometimes less is more.

There's no quicker way to ruin a game--or, more likely, to simply send it into the abyss of non-completion--than to just throw in every idea that sounds cool. The creative act of achieving a harmoneous whole is as much about taking away as it is adding to. In fact, I'd argue that knowing what to take away (or simply not add) is the more important part.

throw table_exception("(? ???)? ? ???");

Here we are then;

From left to right: Iron Plate Armour, Steel Plate Armour, Leather Armour, as modeled by the player in the middle, and two human NPCs with default hair. I like how the Leather Armour turned out, slightly inspired by the Roman lorica segmentata with the shoulder pieces. The Steel has no texture yet, and looks like the normals need fixing as well :)

I'd also like to point out that the lighting and terrain are unfinished!

I admire the enthusiasm, but you'd be wise to keep in mind that sometimes less is more.

There's no quicker way to ruin a game--or, more likely, to simply send it into the abyss of non-completion--than to just throw in every idea that sounds cool. The creative act of achieving a harmoneous whole is as much about taking away as it is adding to. In fact, I'd argue that knowing what to take away (or simply not add) is the more important part.

You're right, but I'm having so much fun right now smile.png Some stuff might have to come out later, I shall give each one careful thought before I start modeling it. This sounds like really good advice for working on something really important like gameplay features, but hey, these are just items with varying stats.

Tattoos might make an interesting game mechanic in that you can collect magic tattoos which have a permanent effect. I can't think of any games which do this

Not exactly what you mean, but magical tatoos are actually an armor in GW1:

They're just worn/treated like regular armor though, so nothing special.

Visuals can be a useful thing to consider. It would be nice to have (at least) one silver armor, one gold armor, one red/copper armor, one blue armor, one black armor, and one white armor (per armor class). Green, purple, and other colors can be used either as their own armors or as an accent to distinguish between two armors with the same base color (for example black/purple armor vs. black/green armor).

I want to help design a "sandpark" MMO. Optional interactive story with quests and deeply characterized NPCs, plus sandbox elements like player-craftable housing and lots of other crafting. If you are starting a design of this type, please PM me. I also love pet-breeding games.

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