Title: Tumbleweed Freedom!
The tumbleweeds peacefully rolled along in the desert, free as the wind that had pushed them for as long as they could rememeber.
Suddenly along their usual path, they found themselves facing an unrelenting foe - urban sprawl!
Faced with this ancient foe, the peaceful tumbleweeds did the only thing they could - they tried to bounce their way over it!
But will their numbers be enough?
2D side-scrolling puzzle/platforming(ish)
- The game is divided into "Towns", each Town consisting of a number of Levels.
You start each Town with a set and limited number of tumbleweeds.
Your goal is to finish all the levels in the town, with as many tumbleweeds remaining as you can!
- Each level consists of various obsticles - starting with small fences, cars, buildings, all the way up to angry citizens with baseball bats, and people with rilfes.
- You control a single tumbleweed at a time. Your tumbleweed has the ability to roll back/forth, jump (possibly double-jump), and to 'root' itself.
A tumbleweed can 'root' itself on the ground, or when its touching another already rooted tumbleweed (but not on the side of obsticles)
Once a tumbleweed is 'rooted' it will remain there forever, and is subtracted from your total number of tumbleweeds.
The only way to overcome obsticles is to build up a small stack of these rooted tumbleweeds so that the next tumbleweed you control can jump over the obsticle.
- People with bats can swing at your tumbleweed, knocking it back on the first hit. On the second hit of a tumbleweed, it's destroyed, removed from your total number of tumbleweeds, and you start with a new one (That can also take two baseball bat hits)
- People with rifles can destroy your tumbleweed in a single shot, but they take aim slowly, and after aiming at a single spot, they don't adjust their aim, so you have to be quick and dodge out of the way of the shots.
- Both people with baseball bats and rifles can only aim forward.
- There are checkpoints along the way, which are activated as soon as a single tumbleweed reaches the checkpoint. From then on, all following Tumbleweeds start from that checkpoint.
- Once a single tumbleweed reaches the end of a Level, the level finishes, and your remaining number of tumbleweeds is what you start with on next level.
- A level is failed if you run out of tumbleweeds (Your Tumbleweed Tribe is Extinct!)
- A Town is complete once you manage to finish all the levels (meaning you have at least 1 remaining as you finish the last level), and your score for that Town is the number of remaining tumbleweeds.
Yeah, not part of the story, but for inspiration:
Feifle Goes West scene with Blues Brothers music:
Cows with Guns (ideologically the same idea - Tumbleweed Freedom!):
NOTE: May edit it later to clarfiy concepts, since I wrote this up really quickly
Edit1: Fixed typo
Edit2: Made videos into links, instead of embedded, fixed typo.
Edit3: Hey, last post of page 1. This happens to me a lot, and it often results with less people reading my post. Huzaa for my crappy luck.