
Online Procedural Music Editor

Started by February 19, 2013 03:34 PM
2 comments, last by fartheststar 11 years, 10 months ago


This should actually be a reply to an old topic about my procedural music editor:


Anyhow, the editor is now available here:

Oh! Interesting. Thanks for passing this along. I'll have to check it out!

I have now improved some of the tutorials:

New Tutorials

Some of them are just outlines but they will soon be fleshed out smile.png

Hi, I'm very interested in trying out your project (I'm learning python right now with designs on doing some simple code either emulated/learned composition or genetic algorithm type approach) but I'm unable to login via the account button as described in the tutorials. There's no button there presently from what I can see.

If there's a way I can test/mess around with the music generation app on the website I'd love to do so. thanks,

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