I figured you weren't nitpicking; no worries.
Isn't crazy though how so much goes into a single 6 hour game experience and yet the big fish are all scrambling and shutting down? We see news of old-house publishers struggle at least once a week and hear about dozens, if not hundreds of developers who love making games just like up getting kicked to the curb because they didn't make millions of dollars for a company. That's some sad stuff to me.
The same money that goes into a "AAA" title seems like they could fund dozens of indie games that have just as much; if not more, potential to gain a profit. Lower over-head and more creative freedom for the indies makes it a dream-like place to be in my opinion. Granted, financial failure lands on the shoulders of indies pretty squarely, but that's the risks we take.
And that's just one of the reasons that I think being a "David" in a world of "Goliath"s is so much better.
That's not to say the Goliath's don't have some merit in creating some cool games, but when there are now hundreds and thousands of David's running around, eating up profits, the Goliath's will starve because they need just so much more to live.
Now, when it comes to niche game development, I think indies get to do more unique gameplay mechanics than the big guys because an indie can afford to take a chance that a Goliath can't. Take Starcraft for example. Its not that unique of a game. Its well polished, but they can't add unique and crazy gameplay mechanics without potentially alienating their audiences and losing profit they need.