Hello all, long time lurker whose finally going to start contributing.
It occurred to me, after talking to a client yesterday, that one of the more important skills to develop is the ability to translate what the client has in mind into something tangible. I'm not referring to when a client produces a clear and concise brief, but to the occasions when (usually during feedback) they have a very specific idea in mind but can't express it without resorting to fairly odd descriptions like "Can you make it sort of shine and twinkle?" or "needs to feel more like its about to rip apart".
In those sorts of situations, it can sometimes be fairly easy to translate what the client is after (underwater might mean a LPF, more dirty might mean it needs more distortion) but occasionally I'll need to get my thinking cap on. I guess most of these situations arise where the client is visualising the music, so if possible I'll try to understand the context of the piece, or ask for examples of similar existing music. Failing that, I'll quickly brainstorm a couple of ideas and pass them over to see which is closer to what the client has in mind.
Anyone have any thoughts on this?