
A few random screenshots

Started by February 07, 2013 09:38 PM
11 comments, last by george7378 12 years ago

Here are a few random screenshots from a program I'm making progress with in DirectX. It's my first time making programs with 3D graphics, and it's turning out really well! I made the meshes in Blender and I'm using Direct3D 9 to do the drawing. I'm at the stage where I have some screenshots which look semi-decent, so here they are smile.png There's not much point to this thread, but oh well...

[attachment=13542:IslandWorld (2).png]

[attachment=13541:IslandWorld (1).png]

[attachment=13543:IslandWorld (3).png]

Welcome to the start of your new addiction. smile.png

You're going to want characters soon, check out this blender tutorial video series to learn how to do them:


Also check out BlenderCookie for tons of general purpose blender tutorials.

Did you bake those shadows in Blender, or are they real time?

Thanks, yeah, it's taken quite a lot of 'addiction' to get this far smile.png It's just really fulfilling!

The shadows are done in real time, using the built in D3DXMatrixShadow function - it's a simple way of doing shadows but it really works smile.png

At the moment there isn't much aim in this game - you walk around the desert island and listen to the waves on the shore while changing the time/lighting to sunset, day, night, etc... I actually quite like the idea of a program/game where you can just walk around and explore a relaxing environment like a tropical island - that's why I created an island in the first place - but it's a long way from being a releasable program!

Those pics look great; congrats!

There is a nice foundation for future development. smile.png

Is this entirely rendered in the D3D 9 API environment or is this done with the Blender game engine, too?

Personal life and your private thoughts always effect your career. Research is the intellectual backbone of game development and the first order. Version Control is crucial for full management of applications and software. The better the workflow pipeline, then the greater the potential output for a quality game. Completing projects is the last but finest order.

by Clinton, 3Ddreamer

Thanks guys! This is all done in D3D9 and C++, but the models were created in Blender (well, apart from the simple planes such as the seabed - those are defined in the program). I imported them as .x files.


Here's a short video of how it looks/sounds:


That's very cool! Nice work! It must feel good.

Personal life and your private thoughts always effect your career. Research is the intellectual backbone of game development and the first order. Version Control is crucial for full management of applications and software. The better the workflow pipeline, then the greater the potential output for a quality game. Completing projects is the last but finest order.

by Clinton, 3Ddreamer

You're doing a great job with this. It all meshes well together and creates a great mood.


Add some simple distance based fog. It's a must for any scene. It's also one of the top things people get wrong with cg. It doesn't have to be thick, noticeable, fog. Just some subtle fog in the distance to create the illusion of any atmosphere, and a eye pleasing color fade. It is never not foggy out, and everything fades into the distance.

I'm not sure if your models are just flat shaded or if you don't have any shading other than just flat shadows. Are you toggling smooth shading on your models in blender, and are you using the sharp edge tag + edge shading modifier in Blender? If you don't understand, watch this video tip, it will explain it all.

Your island is flat and looks like a plane instead of a terrain. Subdivide it a bit, and then pull some vertices up or down. If you use the proportional editing tool (the tool the toggles on your menu bar when you press 'o' in edit mode) with smooth or sphere mode, it will be easy to create a nice terrain like shape. It's a small island, so like the fog, use it subtly. This will also help with the flat shading look it currently has.


I like the idea of adding horizon fog - would that just be as simple as enabling linear pixel fog in render states, or is it more complicated than that?

At the moment my models use the smooth shading in Blender, and I'm not using the sharp edge/edge shading - there's a lot of Blender yet to be explored.

I initially designed the island to be a bit 'taller', but I didn't really like the look of it. I may experiment with a better shape in the future, but I like the flat style of it at the moment. I was actually inspired by the style of desert islands in the Maldives:

Anyway, off to experiment with the fog!

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