I want to make a game using Box2D v 2.2.1 and SFML 2, but i have a little problem with the physic simulation, its act strangely and different from when tested using default testbed.
I try to simulate the tire from behavior iforce.net tutorial that working well on the default testbed.
my main code:
void GAME::GameLoading()
testTire = new Tire(&_mainWorld);
_gameState = gs_Playing;
void GAME::MainLoop()
while (_mainWindow.isOpen())
switch (_gameState)
case gs_Loading:
case gs_Playing:
b2Vec2 Gravity(10.f,0.f); //Make the tire move
b2World GAME::_mainWorld(Gravity);
Tire* GAME::testTire;
when i run this, the tire just move in x(gravity) axis with slow movement because the friction i made, but it wont move in y axis, i've try to rotate it a few degrees to but it doing the same.
please help me fix the code, i have worked on it for five days and still didn't find any solution.
PS : Sorry for my bad english