
Project: Beat em up/hack and slash

Started by February 03, 2013 11:44 AM
5 comments, last by Dvergr 11 years, 11 months ago

I've recently started a project with two of my close friends. I'll be acting as the lead programmer. It is Frankies' (don't know what his forum name will be yet) brainchild so he will be the lead designer. Dvergr will be our lead Artist.


Project: Beat em up/hack and slash (working title)

The concept is simple enough but I was inspired to work on it nonetheless. Frankies' idea to combine the genres he envisioned is not entirely unique seeing as I've played something similar to it before (Castlevania: Symphony of the Night) but it was genius none the less.The mission statement is to create a 2D side scrolling beat em upstyle game with varying features from the hack/slash, adventure, rpg andfighting genres.
Engine: Game Maker 8.1
Graphics: Paint, Photoshop, Illustrator and (Jesses' Stuff)
Concept/Syncing: Evernote, Paper, Pencil/Pen and "Word (wordpad) - format (.rtf/.doc)"
Brain Child/Lead Designer: Frankie aka DarkAbbys
Programmer/Junior Designer: Alfred L aka SinisterPride
Graphic Artist/Artist/Designer: Jesse aka Dvergr



  • 2D Arcade Fighter Controls

- Combos

- Skills/spells activate by input (hadouken).

- Light and heavy/low and high punchs and kicks.

  • Character Development: Skill and Spell Tree(s)/Stat Development

- Melee Skills

- Weapon/Weapon type Skills.

- Spells (hadouken and such).

- Stats (str and int for now).

  • Items/Gear/Equipment

- Enemies drop loot and equipment.

- Equipment shows on character (armor and weapons [like in "Castlevania: Symphony of the Night" with Alucard]).

- Weapon types associate with weapon skills.

- Rare equipment which will be "high grind"/low drop rate.


As of now we're still in the design process but I will be starting some scripting with basic sprites tonight if all goes well at work (in other words if I'm not tired from my day job(s) lol).




So far my understanding of what Frankie has envisioned with the combat is as follows and then some.
2D Arcade Fighter Controls
  • Combos
  • Skills/spells activate by input (hadouken)
  • Light and heavy/low and high punchs and kicks



Simple two to four hit combos to give the feel of arcade fightining.



"Castlevania: Symphony of the Night" is the only thing I have to compare this sort of game/idea to from personal experience. I will refer to it quite often due to this. The way Alucard performs his spells is similar to what I was planning on implementing for skill and spell use.

Think street fighter with a mana and fatigue bar.

Mana for spells (hadouken) and fatigue bars for skills (shoryuken). Hybrid spells would use both resources.



A simple light/heavy punch and light/heavy kick mechanic should be enough to handle all 4 elements of spells. Fire/Air for the punch buttons (high elements) and water/earth for the kick buttons (low elements). They will be offset by directional inputs (semi circle, hit and such). The Dark and Light spells I can tie to an offset button such as the triggers or bumpers. This works out in the end when I hope to apply dark and light versions/variations of each spell. I'm not too sure how to place elemental-less energy attacks (spirit/chi/chakra attacks). No offset = energy attacks?


This all poses alot of programing/scripting that I am honestly not familiar with but it will definitely all be possible. It has all been done before to some extent, just not together as we are trying in this instance (as far as I know).


I've thought up some more things (pretty basic straight forward ideas in my mind) which all add quite a bit on my plate as the programmer. It should be a good learning expierience. I'm hoping my team makes an appearance some time soon to put in their two cents on the thoughts as well as introduce themselves/become a part of the community.

?§• ??§?

Skill Tree/Stat Development

Character Development: Skill and Spell Tree(s)/Stat Development
  • Melee Skills (Shoryuken and the like)?
  • Spells (hadouken and such)
  • Weapon/Weapon type Skills (Sword skills, fist skills ect)
  • Stats (str and int for now)



Strength: increases physical damage, fatigue as well as health.

Intelligence: increases magical damage as well as mana pool.

*Fatigue is used for skills and mana for spells. Both for hybrid spells.
Skill Tree
All moves which cause physical damage will be considered skills.

Weapon and armor types require passive skills to wear.

Skills should be translatable between weapons (more work for Devrgr).


Spell Tree

All moves which cause magical damage will be considered spells.

Spells should range from buffs to ranged attacks

Energy (Chi/Chakra), elements (earth, fire, air, water) and light/dark arts.
Hybrid Skills?
Both trees (physical and magical for each class) should have in between sections that links spells/skills together. Example flaming shoryuken = hadouken+shoryuken.


Weapon and Armor types

Each type of weapon (swords, daggers, spears, axes, staves/wands ect.) require a weapon skill to use. The same goes for the armor types (cloth, leather, heavy/plate). I figured further leveling said skills allows for better quality weapons to become available. Weapons and armor will have a stat requirement as well as a skill requirement but no level requirement (maybe a class requirement built directly into the skill system).


Advancement system?

Was thinking something along the lines of things seen in some of the final fantasy games (FFX Tactics to name one). Also well displayed in the system applied by Ragnarok Online.


I WILL be posting what each class is capable of eventually so hold your questions on what the next section "means" in reference to game play.

Each job requires prior job experience?


Novice 5 = warrior or mage.

Warrior and Mage 10 = Ninja? (pseudo warrior/caster with all weapon skills available and most elemental spells/magic types?)

Novice 20 becomes ??? (ultra class)


Warrior 10 = barbarian or soldier. Barbarian becomes swordsman becomes Samurai . Soldier becomes Knight becomes paladin.

Warrior 15 becomes martial artist becomes monk (weapons master and chi specialist)

Mage 10 = priest or wizard

Wizard becomes Sage becomes Druid (masters of earth and water)
Priest becomes Exorcist becomes Keeper (of balance).

Mage 15 becomes elementalist becomes an Avatar (of the elements)


All of these thoughts do imply alot of scripting/programing so I don't expect to have anything unique/entirely functional for atleast a month or two. Especially due to my schedule

being restrictive on how much time I can spend working on my own stuff/fun. I'll have a workable demo posted of basic mechanics ASAP.

  • Enemies drop loot and equipment
  • Equipment shows on character (armor and weapons [like in "Castlevania: Symphony of the Night" with Alucard])
  • Weapon types associate with weapon skills
  • Rare equipment which will be "high grind"/low drop rate

Everything here is pretty self explanitory. I guess as long as I can apply an inventory system and provide all the sprites/objects per item then I should be fine. I figured I'd have to deal with equipping mechanics (art and proper iventory management), increase collison range due to new weapon sprites on equip and proper translation in graphics for each attack (while wearing a weapon/armor). I should be fine, not as simple as saying it but I think me and my team are capable of doing all of the above.

Go for it! As you acknowledge, the idea isn't completely groundbreaking, but it's a solid mashup of tried and tested gameplay elements with your own twist. I think that there is currently great potential for "pseudo retro" designs such as this - we now have the luxury of looking back on 8/16-bit history and learning from previous successes and failures. A great example of recent success in this area is Super Meat Boy - a lovingly crafted nod to the classics which is also an evolution of them.

I'll also point out that Game Maker is a great pragmatic choice for this project. You don't intend to push graphical boundaries, and so choosing the most productive development environment should be the priority - a modern computer can push sprites around in its sleep. I think that the increase in controller accuracy, screen resolution and the ability to easily apply effects like scaling/rotation (which were often impractical on classic hardware) is plenty to make a modern sprite-based game feel up-to-date.

Player controls/AI in this type of game is generally modeled using "state machines" - i.e. characters can be in one of several states (e.g. standing, walking, punching, flying through the air after being hit, lying on the ground after being hit, standing up..). They can transition between states either automatically (after a certain elapsed time) or as response to user input.

In fighting games a state is often tied directly to an animation, with transitions between states/animations possible at particular times/frames of animation. Most of the more intricate mechanics of fighting games, which competitive players strive to master (like combos, charging, alternate stances or cancelling in-progress attacks) fit cleanly into this model as well. This type of system can be represented nicely as a flow chart, which is useful as a design exercise and as an aid to planning artwork requirements (as opposed to sitting down and attempting to directly generate a list of the animations you will require).

I'll touch on implementation briefly, although this is a design thread, as you mention that you aren't entirely familiar. This is a game which can be implemented essentially in layers, with tangible, playable results at each stage:

- Movement

- Character animations/states and transitions

- Enemies/damage

- More complex spells, projectiles etc

- Skill trees affecting available abilities (i.e. unlocking state transitions, modifying damage values etc)

- Stats

- Items, levels, game structure etc.

- More content (abilities/weapons/spells)

I would encourage you to begin implementation by building up functionality in this way, rather than by attempting to create levels and other content in the order you intend it to be encountered by the player in the finished game. I would also shamelessly borrow placeholder art for prototyping - you want to get into the meat of the controls and combat system as soon as possible. The game should still be fun to interact with if you strip out all story, stat advancement and skill trees, throwing the player into a single-screen arena with a few random enemies and fixed weapon/spells. This is the core of the game, and should be your focus.

Thank you very much Sir WavyVirus smile.png

Your list of development layers will be something I'll refer back to often. I already had a similar plan as you can see from what I've written but it definitely helps.

Team should be joining the convo soon enough biggrin.png


Go for it! As you acknowledge, the idea isn't completely groundbreaking, but it's a solid mashup of tried and tested gameplay elements with your own twist. I think that there is currently great potential for "pseudo retro" designs such as this - we now have the luxury of looking back on 8/16-bit history and learning from previous successes and failures. A great example of recent success in this area is Super Meat Boy - a lovingly crafted nod to the classics which is also an evolution of them.

Thank you very much for the input! happy.png I'm Dvergr, the lead artist for this game concept.

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