You probably cannot spend $40,000 and get some of the composers for WoW to work on your game... but shouldnt' you still strive for the best quality you can get in your budget range?
You are speaking as if I am a composer who can create the best. I hope for the best art that I can hope for as well but I know the limitation is by the budget I can afford. If i know that limit that wouldnt it be in my best interest to make whatever I can afford be molded to that limit? Example would be.... if i know I have 0$ and can afford nothing in the terms of such quality but I want to make a game ( this is not the case but using this example ) wouldnt it be in my best interest to try and make a game that plays to the strengths of $0? Instead of trying to aim for AAA graphics I would add 8 bit graphics with a hint of style thus staying within my budget and still creating a feel for the game that works.
The same could be said for the sound. AAA composers is not equal to perfect sound for the project I desire to make. Could it make the game better to have a big name on the music title? That does not mean that I couldn't make the next big person by hiring them to make something that fits my game under a reasonable price, right?
No, I'm speaking to you as someone who can hire someone. I realize you don't create music yourself. Also you keep making poor comparisons. For example casual or chip tune music can be either good or bad. Just as epic, orchestral music can be either good or bad. You seem to be saying that wanting a certain style of music should somehow be cheaper simply because it's that genre/style. I'm disagreeing with that. I'm trying to encourage you to not just settle on who might do a decent job but instead strive to hire the best person you can within your given budget.
This guy that wants to do the job for free might be incredible. He might blow your socks off. Or he might not. That's a risk you're going to have to take. Heck... even hiring someone new for "fair" or "normal" wages is sometimes a risk, it's just different degrees.
Finally, there's something to be said about hiring the best you can find (and they're not always the most expensive). Time is money and most developers were rather pay a bit more for someone they know is going to deliver than waste more time with someone who is a variable. This is why going to EA and such with really cheap rate sheets doesn't work. Those audio directors are so busy that they need to be able to hand off tasks and not worry about them again. Someone just starting out may not have the chops nor the gear to deliver under that kind of stress and THAT is worth something.
Agreed, that is not my project and I am not EA. I am a developer working to make an indie project. If the game got to be as popular as other indie games like Super Meatboy or Fez, maybe that freelance indie music guy could launch his project from that alone... and THAT is worth something as well. So the project can be mutually beneficial.
Sure, you're not EA. Never said you were but I'm sure you want to put out the best product (or project you can), right? That's my point. Also I'm trying to explain to you, at the high level, how rates work and differ. I'm not saying you have to spend thousands on the music for your game (in fact I said you probably wouldn't be able to). But I am trying to explain to you why some composers charge more than others - and it's not simply out of greed.
That's a horrible idea and is completely inappropriate. You're calling this guy out and publicly announcing his rate. I doubt he'd appreciate that if he were to know you were doing so. As such, I've removed the link. This sort of behavior is hardly professional too so I'd caution you against doing it again (both here on and elsewhere so you don't hurt your reputation in the industry).
While you have that right ( you are a moderator ) would it have been any different if i posted a topic saying "This guy ( post link here ) has a posted rate of $150 per minute, is that a reasonable price?" I doubt you would have modified that post or thought past the idea of saying "Yeah thats good" and left it at that. I am not attacking the guy and very clearly laid out in my argument that it very well could be the fact that I am too ignorant to the subject to know what is considered good or bad. Furthermore, I have seen 0 rules that suggest we should not discuss the rates of other people or companies as it violates some form of "code of conduct". ( note I have read your rules thread and this is all it states )
Then perhaps I'll add some. It's this guy's right to at least know of a thread about him and his music (as well as his rates). If you had consulted him and he was taking part, it would be no bother. But it's generally considered poor form to take information that someone gave you privately in an email and spread it on the internet. This is why many companies (including indie ones) have NDAs. So for the record, if you had posted "This guy ( post link here ) has a posted rate of $150 per minute, is that a reasonable price?" I would have closed the thread, deleted the specific information and requested that you only discuss it in general terms. I went to the guy's website you tried to link and he doesn't post his rates anywhere. This supports my belief that he would rather have this information kept private.
Regardless of how you feel about it, the reality is you were calling someone out and publicly sharing information that I doubt he wants share on the web. That's not a good thing. Feel free to discuss as much as you want in general terms. You'll notice I didn't criticize you at all for this in the beginning. Only when you became specific on a public forum.
Hey guys,
Please remember that the Music and Sound forum is for
discussion, sharing one's work and getting feedback to help you improve.
The Music and Sound forum isn't the place for you to try and get clients. That's what the classifieds section
is for and there's both a paid and hobbyist section which can be used.
So post basically anything audio related as long as it's not you saying
akin to "HEY HIRE ME!!!"
Any posts that are clearly attempts at
getting work will be edited then closed with a nice note from me telling
you to post this in the classifieds section. There will be no warning
as this IS your warning.
There used to be a forum FAQ that detailed some of this but with the
various site migrations and changes, that seems to have vanished.
Hopefully that helps clear up any confusion.
Post link here:
The entire point of a forum, according to my understanding, is to discuss and explore the game development process and in doing so find the answers or enrich your personal knowledge through questions and discussion. I can see your argument but I do not agree with the tone. If you could link to me some articles that suggest "professional" behavior that references what you are discussing that would be great. I would love to further my knowledge on the subject but at this point it seems like you are inserting personal feelings to an otherwise objective topic. It is not my attempt to break any rules or regulations.
So, following your guidelines, how can I get peoples opinions on the rate being quality or not if I can not link to his public work?
You CAN discuss rates and general stuff, no problem! But you wanted to talk about one guy specificially without having him be able to defend himself or even give his approval to share his private info. Most composers keep their rates private. Why? Because if it were public, then someone else could come in and simply undercut him. This is an important lesson to learn - treat what potential business partners/clients tell you privately as private.