
A blend of electronic, film-score'ish? and some other stuff

Started by January 04, 2013 08:51 PM
4 comments, last by Kristoff K. 12 years, 1 month ago

Hello everybody!

It's my first post here. Recently I've updated my promotional reel, but, as with every project that occupies one's mind for a long time, I lost the perception to tell if things sound right!

So to cut to the chase, tell me, with all honesty, is my material professional enough for a serious game contract?



Hey Kristoff. I am curious as to what are you asking? Is it the professional quality of your music that you are concerned about? Or the compositional quality? I'll take a listen in a few (I'm rather excited), and attempt to leave something helpful (if I happen to think of something).

My Soundcloud:

"The moment you cheat for the sake of beauty, you know you are an artist." Max Jacob


Thanks for reply! I guess I'm concerned more about the overall quality. I know it's hard to judge the composition values from such short excerpts.

I'm sorry for this double post, but I'd really appreciate some feedback.

Hey Kristoff! Having enough time to spare, I actually had enough time to listen to your entire demo reel! I think the reason some people haven't taken the time to listen is because of the reel's length. It is rather intimidating, haha.

I personally believe that you are going to do fine, based on your pieces. Electronically, you are exactly where I would like to be right now! Aside from a track or two with some threshold issues (like at about 1:31, 7:54), everything else seems to be fairly solid. Though this is merely a snippet of pieces you have made before, I want to say that I was keen on many of them!

So yes - I would say that you are ready for a professional game soundtrack.

My Soundcloud:

"The moment you cheat for the sake of beauty, you know you are an artist." Max Jacob

M4uesviecr, thank you so much!

I must say, I feel relieved.

I'll try to watch out for the dynamics next time.

Really appreciate your feedback!

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