If the city building side isn't influenced by combat how do you win? What happens when you win the battle that your squad gets sent to? What is the "end game" of it all? Is this all going to be multiplayer or singleplayer against AI? Is your city going to be persistent like an MMO, something that will be built up over extended periods of time, or will the game function like a traditional RTS with new matches beginning and ending in each play session?
Not trying to criticize your idea, it sounds cool, but it would help to answer those questions I think so we can get a better idea of what the concept is.
Good points. I left this area vague, so people could respond in anyway they felt compelled to. I didn't want to limit the creative flow, just reign it in a little more than my previous more generic RTS post.
However, to give an answer, I am planning on this being an MMO. Cities cooperate to help each other out, but the cities are persistant. A person may have the same city for a month or more. The "Everlasting Battlefront" is basically a large open battle field where there could be dozens of other players from both (possible more than 2) sides. The idea being that you are claiming planets. Or large scores of players are battling together to take a planet in their governments name. Its supposed to take the smaller battle feel of starcraft, and expand it, so you can see that these never ending online battles are actually leading to something.
In regards to the battle front action itself, I'm figuring to use squads that go in, or groups of squads, and they must survive for X amount of time, or deal X amount of damage, possible even have specific objectives. If they survive the objectives, they return home, with more experience, and reward pay from the government, allowing for even better enhancements. There will be plenty of AI squads running around, so you'll never know if your facing AI or human.
but keep in mind, that I'm still very flexible. I left this information out, because I'm willing to change my mind if someone posts something in a different direction. For instance, single player comments, or head to head. I want to hear what people have to say, and if I like it better than my current options I'll go with it.