Perhaps it would be useful to more clearly define strategy
Let's definie it in marketing terms, a strategy is a game that is put on the shelf called "Strategies" by the shopkeepers and clients do not complain it was wrongly placed :) I think such real life definition is far more useful than any academic distinguishion.
BTW I found a few examples!
Detroit, Old Timer, Oil Baron.
Which, I'm quite sure, would be done as realtime if these were to be released nowadays...
But basically all non combat strategy games seem to be either business games or simulation games.
Interesting thing, isn't it?
How about combat strategy games that do not use a map to move units? Anyone stubled upon something like that?
(I have, but it's one I made so it does not really count :) )
The other way around applies too, though - basically all turn-based computer games can be converted to board games. There are lots of board games where you move units on a map to kill other units, from Axis and Allies to Dominant Species and simpler things like Risk.
On the contrary, these are pretty rare (nowadays, in the past indeed all kind of hex based wargames were domanating boardgames). The trend in boardgames is for Agricola, Puerto Rico, Le Havre, Power Grid, definitly unlike Risk.
The interesting thing, computer games don't have these mechanics... The "evolution stopped" at chess and we still redo this board with units over and over again adding more units, cities on some grids, diplomacy, but in the core it's the same kind of game. No revolution of any kind here, for some, unknown to me, reason...