Hi everyone,
Currently I intend to create a bitmap font with just basic characters (A - Z, 0 - 9, and some punctuation marks).
I tried this tool http://www.high-logic.com/font-editor/fontcreator.html and it was helpful... just in publishing bitmap fonts from true type fonts. When it comes to creating fonts with some art effects, for instance, characters with their shadow, characters that have grass-like skin, or a little outter-glow effect ..etc.. I must do the following things:
1. Define the desired effects (using Photoshop or similar tools).
2. Type the character using Text tool, apply the defined effects to the Text layer.
3. Trim that layer, leave the background transparent, publish EACH character in a .PNG file.
4. Using tools like Texture Packer to create a bitmap font from those .PNGs, for being read later by programmer's code.
Therefore, even changing the skin of font is a boring, terrible task to me... Not to mentioned creating another font with same effects... @_@
If you guys know about tools that allow adding effects, or useful features of Photoshop such as "auto arrange characters cell-by-cell", ..etc.. please let me know ~^^~
My deeply thanks for your sharing
P/S: Since I'm asking about some tools, I decide to post it here instead of "Visual Art". Am I right?
P/S: Thanks Mod for moving my post to a more suitable place