
A cool Discussion board

Started by January 11, 2000 10:43 PM
0 comments, last by Beginner 25 years, 1 month ago
I am hoping that someone out there, eill be able to help me out. My problem begins with a form I downlaod from board is the name). I got it free and when I saw a sample of what it looked like I was impressed. I followed th insturction that came with it but I had no luke, when I upload all the files to my site (which is on a free webpage provide''s server) I could not create discussion baord like the ones on I used used dreamwear to access some of the .asp file and I noticed that I had to downlaod an email component ( what is this?) also do i need a private server before I can have a page like the one we use here please help charles
There are two things better than life programming is one of them
Does the free server support ASP? You can only run ASP if the server is specifically configured for it... and most free servers aren''t.

Mason McCuskey
Spin Studios - home of Quaternion, 2000 GDC Indie Games Fest Finalist!
Founder, Cuttlefish Industries
The Cuttlefish Engine lets anyone develop great games for iPad, iPhone, Android, WP7, the web, and more!

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