The economy is very bad right now in terms of "entry level positions", however kids are still signing up for college / vocational courses that will not net them a job.
I have technical certifications out the ###, yet I am lucky to work 4 mouths out of the year.
The problem I have with lazy folks, who love to leach off the system. Many times I am sitting in line at a grocery store, buying the cheapest items I can find, while I see folks all over buying the best name brand items, and paying for it with a food stamp card.
Last week I watched a lady buy over $400 USD worth of groceries, all on her food card, and when I went out to the parking lot, she was loading the food into her almost new Mercedes e250, worth about $65,000 USD ... for comparison I drive a 2003 Kia Spectra, worth about $550 USD .
Why does my tax money get wasted on folks like that - even the lazy #### who buy tons of soda-pop and junk food "on the card" #### me off to no end.
I think this is disgusting. I live in what is the most poverty stricken neighborhood in the New York State, the south bronx. For you to think that everyone on food stamp is a lazy #### is not only disgusting but deplorable, and shows how disconnected you are from these people. Alot of my friends (read most) come from very poor back ground but the majority of them work hard at what they do whether its school or whatever kind of employment they have. Sure I have met some people who I would consider lazy and unmotivated but the majority do want more out of life, but if you have no money and the price of rent and necessities are high you'll find it real hard to dig yourself out of the ditch you inherited. So they take the jobs that you don't want for the pay that you wouldn't settle for working shifts and hours you couldn't imagine, to come home to public housing (if you ever visited its not exactly the best living arrangements), also you don't get food stamps our public housing if your not working. If they feel like buying a new iPhone or gaming system with some saved up money they earned (because food stamps dont cover that) by all means more power to them.
On average people pay about 1000 something dollars a year to feed the rest of the population who might have troubles with necessities like food, day care, housing, educational grants for those who cant afford it, etc. If this is such a big deal to people then no we wont ever fix our financial problem because we apparently live in a society where most people only care about themselves and how they can save a few extra bucks a year.