[quote name='Bregma' timestamp='1354040166' post='5004594']
[quote name='Oberon_Command' timestamp='1354038332' post='5004584']
From the perspective of an outsider, it's the assumption that the Democratic Party has much to do with "left wing" politics that is faulty. Seriously, it's joked up in Canada that the US has no left-wing - just a hard right-wing party and a moderate centrist party. You can probably figure out which party is which.
Er, no, it's a hard-right party and a moderate-right party. The only time I hear reasonably centrist politics from Americans is when I talk to actual people on the street (and it very much depends on which street I'm visiting and if they know I'm Canadian or not).[/quote]That's why I can't stand to listen when Americans complain about their "left wing" government.
You've got a far-right party and a centre-right party, and the whole system is designed so that they're your only two choices.
You've got this massive reality TV show you call an election (
which frankly, is treated as a joke overseas) and so much energy is put into making it seem like the most important thing in the world. So much effort is spent trying to rally people to one side or another, and emotionally engaging with one cult while truly hating the other cult. You need to pick a side and be part of it, as if it actually matters.
The real power, the people that own your country, that own you, also own both sides. They don't care who wins, because it doesn't matter. Governments will come and go and make small changes and manage things differently, and your culture of extreme opinions, fundamentalist viewpoints and fanatical emotions will ensure that these changes are seen to be earth-shattering, and "debated" ad nauseum in that farcical style you excel at. You'll keep sweating over the little stuff, and whatever happens, don't take off whatever lenses those are that cause every world-view to be distorted and corrupted and taken to the complete extreme until it's a joke that you can't see.
But when it comes to the seats of power, the status quo will remain unchanged. Money is power, debt is power.
You're in debt because the powers that be want you to be in debt. The interest on your debt is profit to someone, and as your debts grow, their profits grow, and we all know that 'growth' is good.
There's leaches at every level of society, with the biggest, fattest leaches at the top. But never mind them, if you just keep working hard maybe one day you can become one of those fat leaches. You can't, but lets go along with the dream. Meanwhile, look at the leaches feeding at the bottom. Look at that drug dealer pushing H to kids, driving a luxury car and scamming the food-stamps system. He's the problem. Never mind that this festering underworld of bottom feeding is a necessary by-product of the existence of the fat leaches you dream of being. Never mind that, we've got to rally against the threat of poverty, by ensuring it's cycle can't be broken and the policies that create it are only strengthened.
The whole thing is a joke, and it's a sick joke, because you don't realise the whole world is laughing
at you, not with you.
This could be said of pretty much any government, though. USA just happens to omnipresent and thus more noticeable. It's the same system basically everywhere in the world, carefully engineered through years of government trial and error to keep citizens under control through endless "debates" and "elections", working hard to make it look as if they are actually making a difference when everything is really decided for them. Yeah, I'm pessimistic. Sorry.