
A new type of RPG battle system...what do you guys think?

Started by October 15, 2001 09:29 PM
31 comments, last by hapaboy 23 years, 3 months ago
Wow, you''re proposing to put several hundred moves together?
That quite a task knowing you''d have to make them all substancially different to be interesting.
In doing so, you''ll create a very large haystack for your playerbase.

Ultima Online 2 was mentioned earlier and the idea the dev team had there was good in my oppinion.
You can link several different moves to skill hight or whatever and also link them to stats. That way not every character will have the same move, you can include as many as you can posible develop/make and things will be worth working for, since all the moves look different, and have different effects.

Perhaps the way to go with strategic RPG battles is to link the different chars together. Especially in MMORPG''s A little like they do in DarkAges of Camelot atm. (longbows supporting battles with special attacks. etc)

I think when you combine all that with the ability to actually block, or atleast trying to, it would be very nice. Like being able to use your shield to block and then through a special shield move hit your opponent with it.

All this may be hard to implement, but I think it would be easier and usable in both single and multiplayer games.

Combat systems in MMORPGs is a topic heavy on my mind, as I have an ongoing MMORPG project in mind.

(Read: recurring daydream. Seriously folks, steal what you want here, I'll never use it.)

But I do spend a lot of time thinking about it.

The problem with time differentials is exactly the thing which prevents a multiplayer Max Payne. It works fine for one person to be able to put the whole game into slow-mo, but if everyone can do it you'd never get your feet out of the slowtime mud. I suppose one could have the "ineffective dance" for outside viewers to the combat, with only one hit in five actually being based on combat results, but that's just kind of silly, in my opinion. It's entirely possible to be strategic in a high-speed real-time fight; you're just looking at the wrong source. RPGs are heavily tied into a system whic promotes extremely complex magic, item, and combat systems not manageable in real time; hence turn based combat is king. But if you really want an exciting, detailed combat system with strategy and speed, look elsewhere. Specifically, look to fighting games.

Fighting games (this is all review for those of you familiar with the genre) usually have multiple characters with varying movesets, both in their basic moves and their more complex combos and specials. Some characters even have different play algorithms (see Capcom vs. SNK, where a character can be played in Capcom mode or SNK mode). The action is fast, furious, and in real time. The controls are simple, but require skill to master, and a good sense of strategy is needed to know what to do when. But how to reconcile this with an MMORPG, where there are millions of potential combinations of character, weapon, and special ability (magic, skills etc)?

That's where the REAL strategy comes in. Outside of combat, a player decides which weapon he will favor, which strokes he will practice, and which skills he will use. He links these moves to control combinations, practices, trains, prepares, and enters battle. In battle, he can only use those moves which he has bound to control combos. If they're not versatile enough to deal with his opponents, he has to retreat to rebind different skills.

A practical example, in case the above is too confusing. The game controls are A, B, C, D and the arrow keys. The player decides he wants to create a fighter/sorceror focusing on fire and the sword. He decides he likes the following moves and spells:

Sword thrust
Sword parry
Sword slash, horizontal
Sword slash, overhead

Wall of fire

He links thrust to A, parry to B, horizontal slash to C, and overhead slash to D. As he won't be using his expensive and tricky-to-time spells often, he links them to combos: toward, toward A for the wall of fire, and down, away B for the fireball. This will give him enough moves to take on most opponents. Note that he may know a large number of sword techniques and spells, but he must pick which to use before going to fight, and can't page through his grimoire while in battle!

I realize that with this level of speed, connection speed becomes a major issue. Imagine trying to play Powerstone 2 across the net on a 56k modem! But what the hey, it's just pie in the sky. I'd love to see someone try to implement it...


Addendum: Doop, the fighting game idea has been mentioned before, hasn't it?
Well, I hope I've added something to the discussion...

Edited by - SpittingTrashcan on November 13, 2001 3:01:21 PM
----------------------------------------------------SpittingTrashcanYou can't have "civilization" without "civil".
Okay, here''s the ULTIMATE SOLUTION to implement slow combat into an MMORPG.

First, read the book Dune (Herbert).

Second, focus on the combat suits that are described.

Third, find a way to implement the Dune combat suits into your MMORPG.

(in short, the Dune combat suit blocks any fast moving object -read: missile weapons-. The only way to penetrate the suit/shield is by inserting an object with a slow, very slow speed. This means that the suit will block any arrow, bullet etc, but is still vulnerable to an intentionally slow attack by a blade)
You either believe that within your society more individuals are good than evil, and that by protecting the freedom of individuals within that society you will end up with a society that is as fair as possible, or you believe that within your society more individuals are evil than good, and that by limiting the freedom of individuals within that society you will end up with a society that is as fair as possible.

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