
Looking for feedback on my music.

Started by October 26, 2012 05:42 PM
3 comments, last by m4uesviecr 12 years, 2 months ago

I've been making music for a game that I wanted to make, but I decided to stop making the game and focus on making music. The music is all based on characters,towns, scenes, etc. I just want to know if there is anything I could change or do better

Hi, I listened to several of the clips. (btw couldn't get the first one to play). I think the Nightmare one was probably my favorite. It's hard to picture the music without understanding the context of the game, but there's a definite mood to your sounds which I think I'd probably like if I was playing and how everything would be mixed together. Windy Village is tough for me to get my ears around - but again - tough to know how it fits in the context of the game.
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Nice, I like the title screen and load/save menu music. Not sure what type of game that music would be suitable for though.

Easiest way to make games, I love LÖVE && My dev blog/project

*Too lazy to renew domain, ignore above links

Hey Micky! So I took a listen to a few of your tracks, and there is one reoccuring element that I have noticed:


And a lot of it. Repetition isn't bad, and it would help if I knew more about your game, but your music seems to have a more... ethereal feel to it. Have you ever tried writing electronic pieces? More ambient style? Because that is exactly what I get from your pieces. Bah, getting sidetracked...

Try adding a counter harmony to you music! Play around with chord shifts and chord changes - Your music need not stay stagnant! Taking your Title Screen piece for example:

You basically use the same melody the entire time, with a bell harmony doubling alongside it before long, with pads playing underneath (I assume). Try changing the chords that the pads are playing. And, if there is no chord, why not change the pitch of the pads anyway to see where you can move the song to?

Another is the use of volume. Fading in and fading out. You can add SO much style to a piece of music by changing the dynamics of instruments, or vary the way an instruments enters or exists a piece. Just because the notes may not move much doesn't mean that the musicality should be at a standstill.

Just some things to think about.

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"The moment you cheat for the sake of beauty, you know you are an artist." Max Jacob

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