
Save my life from miserable hours of manual labor xD

Started by October 22, 2012 09:17 PM
2 comments, last by Rebel Coder 11 years, 10 months ago
So guys, being the awesome community that you are I came to ask for help with a little problem. See I have to make some cards for my college precinct for the night of honors yada yada, basically an activity. Now I have the list of people and its about 800 people D:, gotta get this done by wednesday. So here's what I've been doing, I created my labels, got them all set up real sexy like :P and I've been manually inserting each person into the label and let's say it's going very,........ slow. So what I want to know (because yes I do not know how) is if I can grab lets say 20 people from the rows of my table and then copy them and paste them into my labels document all at the same time and it will just create new labels for me as the need arises, instead of me having to copy one then paste one into the label and so on, and when my labels run out, copy and paste those again. I hope I explained what I want to do right , I just don't wanna spend hours on this because I'll die haha, if this can be done please let me know. If not I will see you at my funeral after I am done xD
With what program did you make the cards? (or in what format are they)
Don't pay much attention to "the hedgehog" in my nick, it's just because "Sik" was already taken =/ By the way, Sik is pronounced like seek, not like sick.
clippy-thumb.png Mail Merge?
@Sik: I did it with Microsoft Word.

@frob: I will check that out, thanks :D

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