
So, What makes players to play a game over and over?

Started by October 13, 2012 07:04 AM
8 comments, last by 3Ddreamer 12 years, 3 months ago


Another afternoon and there isn't much to do. Yes you can go to a near store and pick a new game but there are some free options! You can play ‘X’ again… Nah i mean it was a good game but not for playing again!
So, what makes players to play a game over and over?

Challenge Is the Key

This makes players thirsty to play again and game designers know it so well! For example Call of Duty Zombie Mode, As you play it for the first time you will lose in first levels but after a few try, Your skill increase and you reach higher levels, Kill stronger zombies and enjoys more! However there is a disadvantage here, as you finish it and kill every zombie then you are much less likely to play it again because you won and already saw everything! There is nothing to worry about, these game are hard and long enough to satisfy you.

This “Challenge” is more important for little games (2D and smartphone games). Their gameplay and graphics are usually simple and we can’t compare them with huge games! So, these games should be challenging and addictive. You will understand better if you ever played “Doodle Jump” or “Fruit Ninja”, always want to break high scores especially if there are some rivals.


Story Matters

Good Story Matters, But it doesn't make you more likely to play again (even sometimes make it less likely). However some stories are meaningful rather than just a simple story about someone who has to defend earth from some aliens. Maybe “Deus Ex: Human Revolution” is a good example of a good story about technology, It is one of my favorite games which I think it’s worthy

Even greatest stories are only nice when you don't know what comes next!


Problem will be easy when it solved[/quote]

Even Thinking about replaying them make you bored. I don't mean that they are boring, both "Trine" and "Portal" are very nice games and force your brain to stop shooting and think!

It's obvious that replaying them when you know the answers will burn the fun part.



Multiplayer feature can be “The Key” sometimes; Real experience comes when you play your favorite game with friends. Pick “Fifa” and remind them that they can’t win you when you have Real Madrid (There is no fun in winning a computer!), or start “World of Warcraft” and kill a boss together.


Yea Fourth now but I’m actually won that game

Many Options

Some games are big enough to offer a new experience if you decide to play them again. “Skyrim” is very good example, this time you can pick another character, Fight for other side and focus on something else then you can see the new experience!

This is good to possible choice for players, choosing character abilities or choosing what to say and… .


Strategy games are good, too. You can change your strategy again and again to make 4 vs 1 possible and easy!


Sometimes you just miss the old games and you want to try them again (Stronghold Crusader for me) or go to a free world such as “GTA”, Race with Police and kill some people in sidewalk.

I think I write all factors that make us play a game again and it will be good if game designers regard them so we can enjoy a game many times!

Did I miss something? Mention it in comments.

Combining fun and solid gameplay elements with randomization to create different experiences every play through. Good games are complex but easy to learn and hard to master,

Some of my personal favorites i keep comming back too are civilization 4, simcity, dwarf fortress, x-com.
Luck as well. People love to bet and gamble against the odds. Its exhilarating to feel lucky and to feel as though you're "skilled at being lucky". PvP uses this element. When a player chooses to face off against a higher ranked player they are betting against the odds. Its fun to beat the odds. This is arguably the most addictive aspect of any type of gaming.
I do not agree with your notion about stories.

Look at some of the greatest books and movies. People may know these by heart but still read and watch them again. What means novelty and unknown content definitely is not the only reason that keeps you attached to story.

There probably has to be certain kind of emotional attachment - that can be caused either by people or places in story. Most games do not achieve that - and maybe interactivity is a hindrance here. But if present this attachment can be strong motivator to replay/reread/rewatch games/books/movies.
Lauris Kaplinski

First technology demo of my game Shinya is out:
Khayyam 3D - a freeware poser and scene builder application:
1. Small continuous rewards (power-up, bonus level, loot, points)
2. Occasional big rewards (place in high-score, winning a match, fame/reputation with people in the community)
3. Immersion
3 a) Getting out of your boring life and doing something more fun, something you can't do in life (hit someone with an axe, steal a car, fly, shoot fireballs...)
Lauris I'd have to agree. There are stories we come back to because its plain and simple a good story (not just a novel idea). It is harder to nail down the tangible elements that make these stories something so successful (other then great writers). We tend to come back to our favorite stories especially to share with people. IMO Interactivity only stands in the way of a great story if it ruins the pace of the story's progression. I feel this element of story telling is important and so often overlooked.

I'd also say the control choice is hugely important. The peripheral or control scheme defines the players connection to their experience, like so many people are attached to physical books (compared to digital books) its the tangible connection to our experiences that make them memorable
Here's a huge question: Do you like a game less if you don't play it so much?
The only thing that makes me want to replay anything anymore are games based around gameplay first, and eveything else a distant second.

Things I replay:
Left 4 Dead
Scott Pilgrim vs The World
Final Fight
Zen Pinball
Call Of Duty
Grand Theft Auto
Red Dead Redemption
Dead Rising
Doom 2
Quake 1

Things I won't replay:
Anything where the game is actually just bits if pre-planned interactivity between non-interactive segments
Anything with long non interactive sections, especially if they take precedence over the gameplay
Anything with a pointless tutorial section
Mods/community content. I play through the Baldur's Gate trilogy once a year or so. There's always something new to try out.
Dishonored was just released last week. This is a game built on multiple decisions and outcomes determined in each mission by the player. Check out the various ways to play it and you'll see they try to create every way imaginable. IE: rat tunnels fish tunnels violent playthrough stealth playthrough and inbetween both, or not killing or killing in either stealth or violent fashion.

This makes it so you would have to play through multiple times to really see the entire game.

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