
I hate this site

Started by September 12, 2012 02:44 AM
36 comments, last by Cornstalks 12 years ago
jbadams: "you initially raised the discussion of "real programming"". All I said was this: If you want to learn REAL PROGRAMMING concepts ... please visit my game/graphics programming site... (which I can't post). Then Cornstalks said "real programming concepts have little to do with assembly and machine code". So, I responded by saying that it depends on what you're doing.

rip-off: "You are deliberately lying" - No, I assumed that jbadams reported me or had my post deleted.

jbadams: "Don't tell lies" - Please look in the mirror and see who the real liar is. Whatever imperfection you recognize in anyone else is self-evident. Anyone who knows me in real life would tell that I'm the realest, most honest, sincere person they've ever met. You know NOTHING about me but you make foolish judgements about me that are completely false. If you knew me in real life,
there'd be no argument.
If you have some personal issue with me please take it up with me personally via private message, or if you'd prefer to keep it public by starting a new topic. This discussion is way off point, and it needs to stop so that we don't have to close it before others -- including the original poster -- have the chance to give input. If we've somehow horribly mis-treated you I apologise, but I really don't understand what you're getting so worked up about.

FYI: I've deleted an accidental double-post you made in this topic.

If everyone could try to keep this topic on track from here on in it would be appreciated.

- Jason Astle-Adams

This is who I am:

PS: If you want to delete me for providing these links, go right ahead, but please take a look at them first before making false judgments about me.
jbadams: I don't have anything personal against you and I'm sorry for the misunderstanding. I gotta get to bed now. Good luck.

Anyone who knows me in real life would tell that I'm the realest, most honest, sincere person they've ever met. You know NOTHING about me but you make foolish judgements about me that are completely false. If you knew me in real life,
there'd be no argument.


seriously, why did this become a conversation, clearly the OP is trying to troll the site as he runs off, and doesn't respond.

either you like a site, or don't, personally. i <3 this site, the community is great, and helpful, and always willing to point me in the right direction.

if you know how to ask the questions the right way, and put out the information that others need to understand the problem, then you'll get a good response, but if you withhold information(as i've seen many posters bickering about not being helped here, when their only problem was that they weren't willing to explain their problems to the fullest) then your not going to be helped to the fullest.
Check out for some great games made by me on the Playstation Mobile market.


Now that is cute biggrin.png

"The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education"

Albert Einstein

"It is a miracle that curiosity survives formal education"

Albert Einstein

jbadams: "you initially raised the discussion of "real programming"". All I said was this: If you want to learn REAL PROGRAMMING concepts ... please visit my game/graphics programming site... (which I can't post). Then Cornstalks said "real programming concepts have little to do with assembly and machine code". So, I responded by saying that it depends on what you're doing.

If you want to learn REAL PROGRAMMING concepts - ASM and machine code - from a REAL OLD SCHOOL GRAPHICS programmer, please visit my game/graphics programming site:

Why are liars on the internet so stupid? Do you seriously think people cannot remember things that happened barely 6 hours ago?
OK. Let's come back to the original topic.

There is already a forum for suggestions and ideas: GDNet Comments, Suggestions and Ideas
Note: This post should be either locked or moved to that forum.

So if you created an account here and expected contribution from the community, you have to at least acknowledge:
1) Communities work based on everyone's contribution. That being said either you help someone in one topic or you provide feedback for the Moderators and Staff to improve the website
2) People on internet (just like on traffic) tend to transform themselves in trolls, monsters and such that say stuff that they probably wouldn't say in real life.
The best tool you have against a troll is to ignore it completely (do not reply to his posts) and use the report button on the bottom of his post. The thing that all trolls have in common is the need for attention. If nobody gives them that, they will feel powerless.

When those 2 things are followed by the biggest part of the community, the site and forums become a great place to get info, solve questions and hangout.
In my personal opinion, since I have joined many forums, has achieved this over the years and is doing pretty well right now.
Programming is an art. Game programming is a masterpiece!

"real programming concepts have little to do with assembly and machine code" - Who are you to talk about real programming? It's NOT about one thing [...]

wtf... Did you just agree with me right after questioning who I am to talk about real programming? Actually, don't answer that question. We've derailed this thread enough.

I've got another thing to nitpick:

I hate certain aspects of this site, as well, such as its poor design and organization that could easily be improved in 5 minutes.
please visit my game/graphics programming site: [...]

I just clicked on your site for kicks and giggles, and was rudely punched in the eyes. I don't think someone with a site designed like yours should be claiming has poor design and organization and that it could easily be improved in 5 minutes.

Unless, of course, you're just trolling. In which case, well played.
[size=2][ I was ninja'd 71 times before I stopped counting a long time ago ] [ f.k.a. MikeTacular ] [ My Blog ] [ SWFer: Gaplessly looped MP3s in your Flash games ]

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