
Inventory System Design

Started by August 20, 2012 08:40 PM
15 comments, last by Platinum314 12 years, 4 months ago

If a sack has gameplay value, then fine. But OP only talked about using it as a mechanism for storage and trade. My contention is that as a mechanism for trade, there are better systems, and as a mechanism for storage it sounds pretty boring.

Having to make tradeoffs about what you can and can't carry is a worthwhile game mechanic, but it would be silly to say that you can't carry certain 'loose' items in you big sack, simply because you lack a small sack to place them in. That's just complication for the sake of complication. The only type of character I can see benefitting from arbitrary sacks would be some kind of merchant/trader, but even then the sack itself, as an item, isn't terribly valuable. Just give the ability to create sacks to the classes or designations that need it.

When I play Diablo3 I find myself grouping gems and other like items together. Perhaps that's just because I like to play around with my inventory.
Therefore, I think that an inventory system should support container items. I could for example have a large sack that contains a few potions, a book, and a small sack full of gold and gems. Having container objects would allow the player to store items at his character's home. The player wouldn't need to litter the floor with hundreds of items or use a barrel to dump all their potion ingredients in.

Personally, I like items in rpg games and I tend to hoard them. Even in my Skyrim game I have a house with one of each weapon and armor in it. One thing I wanted in Skyrim was a pack mule. If I had that, I would gladly spend the time emptying the dungeon of every trinket (including the dead bodies) I could find.

I really think that success or failure of such a system would largely depend on how much the game automates these tasks for you. If the game can automatically organize our inventory I don't think it would bother those casual gamers who hate inventory management. Perhaps automated inventory management system could be a game option.

And doesn't it sound fun to put bunnies in sacks!?

lol... Can I use this in my game? I think the demo will have a few sacks with bunnies in them. :) Perhaps it will be an ingredient for fresh rabbit stew.

hmm actually, I could add a decay factor to the items. Food could go bad and and live animals might die if you don't feed them.

lol... Can I use this in my game? I think the demo will have a few sacks with bunnies in them. smile.png Perhaps it will be an ingredient for fresh rabbit stew.

hmm actually, I could add a decay factor to the items. Food could go bad and and live animals might die if you don't feed them.[/quote]

you definitely should ;D

When I play Diablo3 I find myself grouping gems and other like items together. Perhaps that's just because I like to play around with my inventory.
Therefore, I think that an inventory system should support container items.

I can't for the life of me understand why anyone would actually enjoy manually organizing an inventory -- Sure, it makes sense to group items nearby, but I do it because it makes me able to use my inventory more effectively, not because it's fun.

If your system uses encomberence to limit what the player can carry, then *everything* should just stack, and item slots should be unlimited. If your system uses space as the limiting factor, then how does a sack help the player, and how do you deal with it in the UI (how much space does a sack consume, if items are in the sack, do you take away slots in the outer container/inventory and how.)

Your inventory *should* support containers, definitely. Its simply my contention that containers for a non-homogenous set of items don't make much sense as a benefit to gameplay. But do as you want, its your game and I hardly care to stop you. All I'm saying is that you're going to expend additional coding effort (sounds like the system is already done, but its going to make your inventory UI and trade system significantly more complex) for what amounts to a meta-game of busy-work that *most* people don't enjoy. I bet there are better things to spend your time on.

I could for example have a large sack that contains a few potions, a book, and a small sack full of gold and gems.
But what good does grouping those arbitrary items do you? Now you have to recall in which sack you placed which book when you want to use it. "Oops, I really need that book I had, but last time I was home I accidentally left the wrong sack and now I'm screwed."

And since you bring up potions, crafting/brewing is probably better handled by a dedicated system that produces a new item, rather than by placing the right things into a sack or bottle, otherwise a player might accidentally craft something they didn't intend to, and it may not make logical sense for them to be able to undo it (for example, you can't reasonably say that the player can separate two liquids or powders.)

Having container objects would allow the player to store items at his character's home. The player wouldn't need to litter the floor with hundreds of items or use a barrel to dump all their potion ingredients in.
So would a treasure chest, or footlocker, or a bank while you're away from home. Again, good luck keeping what's in which sack straight -- do you really want to have to examine every sack to find what you're looking for?

As far as the code is concerned I see no reason for it to not support arbitrary containers, as far as the inventory management code itself there's little burden over supporting typed containers, but as far as gameplay and the code that supports that is concerned, there's a lot more burden, so just be sure the benefit to gameplay is worth its weight.

throw table_exception("(? ???)? ? ???");

...Again, good luck keeping what's in which sack straight -- do you really want to have to examine every sack to find what you're looking for?[/quote]

The "sack squishing" idea I mentioned could alleviate this slightly if the sack actually takes the shapes of the items in it. Or you could make use of the DukeNuke drawing on a white bored(not a typo) system actually be useful, by marking sacks with hand drawn symbols and inks to dye the bags colors!

"Look at this black sack with a white stencil of A BIRD ON IT? SO CUTE! and it goes perfect with these MaryJane's I looted off the drag queen earth-troll. SO much better then my drab old tan burlap sacks, I could never find a thing in those stupid bags!"
- Mage of the age

I don't think it's a situation in which people enjoy micro managing their inventory, but many people do like a sense of realism. They don't like it because it's a pain in the ass to manage, but because the game reminds them of playing a Pen an Paper Rpg. Now in those games some gaming groups would typically demand that you maintained an accurate listing of your inventory and that you detailed exactly how it was stored. The reason was that situations in the game might occur in which the equipment might be come damaged, stolen, dropped, or even destroyed. For example, I recall playing in an RPG in which my character fell down a well. When he landed the potion of explosions in his backpack detonated and incinerated his dead corpse along with most of his equipment. Thankfully, I was smart enough to protect my spell book in a fire proof sack. Now I know that many modern gamers just wouldn't understand that way of playing, but we all had a good time with it.

With that said, I think there is a way to provide the best of both worlds. You can make an inventory system that automatically organizes everything and provides both a listed view (with filters and sorting) and a inventory slot system like diablo. In terms of code, it's simply two UI controls that accesses the same data structure.

I do think that those gamers who like action based games more than the hard core rpg elements need options that support their play style. I wouldn't want to force a particular play-style on anyone. I think that's all I'm trying to achieve. I think that in order for games to progress, especially rpg games, they have to be mindful of several different play-styles. Perhaps the way to make everyone happy is through in game options. I mean, we have options for inverting the Y axis, difficulty level, etc so why not options for inventory management in an rpg game?

My opinion is that RPG games have greatly suffered, not because rpg gamers don't care for rpg elements, but because the developers have no choice but to market their game to the casual action gamer.
A lot of older simulation and Roguelike RPGs supported containers. The system in Ultima Underworld was pretty similar to what you are proposing. I loved organizing my stuff (and then dropping it in my treasure room in the way I wanted).

It can however get tedious if put into the wrong game design though. As mentioned if you are going to be 'mining' tons of items you want it to take a little time as possible.
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