
Working on a new MOBA and need help thinking up new skills...

Started by August 06, 2012 12:23 PM
21 comments, last by Mario D. 12 years, 5 months ago
I am currently working on a MOBA and need to come up with around 400 skills to implement into the game. was hoping to get some ideas from the community! If you would like to contribute please use the format below :D

Name - (What the skill should be called)

Effect - (What the skill does)

Type - (Physical, Magical, Pure, ect)

Changes Per Level - (What changes on the skill each time you level it up)

Other - (Any other information about the skill)
Since this is a game design question and since you're most likely to get useful game design input in the Game Design forum, I'm moving this to Game Design.

-- Tom Sloper --

I don't know what credentials you have, but here are some of my ideas that I didn't get from LoL or whatnot (although some of their skills might be adaptable).

Name - Plague
Effect - Anything within a radius of X gets the plague buff. It slows by Y% and takes Z damage every 3 seconds. Plague victims spread the plague within a radius of X/3
Type - Not sure.
Changes Per Level - XYZ all change
Other - Passive. Also, due to its difficult-to-remove nature, Z should be better than most natural heals but shouldn't be as big as other buffs. Also, anyone who removes the bluff is immune to it for a certain amount of time.

Name - Soul storage
Effect - It leaves an object but reduces many of the users aspects. If the user dies, he respawns at the object with full power but with hp and mp low.
Type - Magical
Changes Per Level - The negative side effects would decrease and the remaining hp and mp at respawn would increase. Moreover, the object might eventually gain more health and a magical ranged attack (as well as the ability to randomly stun enemies). The power of the object would also increase with increased magical power.
Other - Due to possible abuse, make sure that the cooldown isn't too low. And yes, this may have been inspired by Harry Potter.

Edit:Btw this is fun, so I may put some more up later.
Move party to location
Increase distance of possible transport location
Group effect skills should always be long cooldown and high cost

Burning Weapons - scales effectiveness on # of purchased/equipped items
X damage per item purchased/equiped for Y amount of time (maybe slow or other effects as well?)
Increase X damage over increased Y time
Possibly increase damage, slow, other effects based on level of item (like LOL's high tier weapons would increase the effectiveness of this skill)

Human shield
Uses selected enemy as physical shield in front of the character soaking up any damage (friendly or foe) directed at the character or that area
Takes any damage directed at the character or area for X amount of time or until the enemy is killed
Increase X amount of time
Skill gap between character and enemy effects X time

Focus fire - scales damage per allies within radius and different types of damage based on types of allies
X types of Y damage per allied units within Y radius at location or unit
Increase Y radius
Different particle art type to indicate different type of damage from different allied character class (melee, magic, etc)

All I got for now!

I am currently working on a MOBA and need to come up with around 400 skills to implement into the game. was hoping to get some ideas from the community! If you would like to contribute please use the format below biggrin.png
And what kind of MOBA? Theme? Mechanics? I mean, there are now sidescrolling 2D MOBAs, first person MOBAs, 6DOF MOBAs (at least in production), top-down 1:1 DOTA clone MOBAs.
Name - Plant seeds
Effect - It plants a seed at the target, which may or may not be a mob/hero. The seed will also provide sight of where the seed is. Planting the seed may also act as a projectile and may or may not be a skillshot. The seeds will go away if un-buffed or, if on a hero after a certain period of time.
Type - Not sure
Changes Per Level - The amount of seeds you can have, the cooldown and mana cost, the sight of the seed, how long the seeds last, and the damage of the seeds.
Other - If something dies, the seed goes into the floor. Also, seeds are not visible on the ground but are visible as a buff on enemy champions. Also, the seed

Name - Seed growth
Effect - The seed turns into a golem, and may stun any enemy with a seed in the process. The golum will act as an ordinary mob, if not stronger.
Type - Not sure
Changes Per Level - Strength and health and whatnot of the golem, and potentially the amount

Name - Phoenix's plant seed
Effect - Upon death, you will drop an object which, if not destroyed, will cause you to respawn in 10-20 seconds.
Type - Passive
Changes Per Level - The amount of health of the object

Name - Sow Chaos
Effect - All seeds explode and deal massive damage. Moreover, it will randomly leave temporary seeds which will either latch onto a hero and act like a normal seed, or turn into a seed golem
Type - Ultimate
Changes Per Level - The amount of seeds, the damage of the explosion, and possibly the radius.

btw can you leave a link to the website or development blog?
Thanks for all the help so far guys! i have been writing all of these down and plan on using most of them in game (might need to tweak them a bit due to the gameplay) which i should of mentioned above, its a 3rd person style game. similar to WoW or any other online mmorpg. spell bar on the bottom of the screen and you move with WASD. there will be a map you can open but you can scroll around the map as you can in LoL or DoTA. so keep that in mind when brainstorming as i cant really do a reveal of characters across the map :D @Stroppy the theme is pretty much fantasy/medieval. @aattss i am working on creating a site for this project but until the game gets to a more playable state i am focusing on that. but dont worry i will come back here and repost all the development info so you guys can see your skills come to life! thanks again all and keep em coming if you got them!

I don't know what credentials you have, but here are some of my ideas that I didn't get from LoL or whatnot (although some of their skills might be adaptable).

Name - Plague
Effect - Anything within a radius of X gets the plague buff. It slows by Y% and takes Z damage every 3 seconds. Plague victims spread the plague within a radius of X/3
Type - Not sure.
Changes Per Level - XYZ all change
Other - Passive. Also, due to its difficult-to-remove nature, Z should be better than most natural heals but shouldn't be as big as other buffs. Also, anyone who removes the bluff is immune to it for a certain amount of time.

Name - Soul storage
Effect - It leaves an object but reduces many of the users aspects. If the user dies, he respawns at the object with full power but with hp and mp low.
Type - Magical
Changes Per Level - The negative side effects would decrease and the remaining hp and mp at respawn would increase. Moreover, the object might eventually gain more health and a magical ranged attack (as well as the ability to randomly stun enemies). The power of the object would also increase with increased magical power.
Other - Due to possible abuse, make sure that the cooldown isn't too low. And yes, this may have been inspired by Harry Potter.

Edit:Btw this is fun, so I may put some more up later.

I think those two are overpowered, especially the first one, maybe you can make it active and make the caster suffer from 1/2 of the damage, so it can't be abused?

[quote name='aattss' timestamp='1344268462' post='4966700']
I don't know what credentials you have, but here are some of my ideas that I didn't get from LoL or whatnot (although some of their skills might be adaptable).

Name - Plague
Effect - Anything within a radius of X gets the plague buff. It slows by Y% and takes Z damage every 3 seconds. Plague victims spread the plague within a radius of X/3
Type - Not sure.
Changes Per Level - XYZ all change
Other - Passive. Also, due to its difficult-to-remove nature, Z should be better than most natural heals but shouldn't be as big as other buffs. Also, anyone who removes the bluff is immune to it for a certain amount of time.

Name - Soul storage
Effect - It leaves an object but reduces many of the users aspects. If the user dies, he respawns at the object with full power but with hp and mp low.
Type - Magical
Changes Per Level - The negative side effects would decrease and the remaining hp and mp at respawn would increase. Moreover, the object might eventually gain more health and a magical ranged attack (as well as the ability to randomly stun enemies). The power of the object would also increase with increased magical power.
Other - Due to possible abuse, make sure that the cooldown isn't too low. And yes, this may have been inspired by Harry Potter.

Edit:Btw this is fun, so I may put some more up later.

I think those two are overpowered, especially the first one, maybe you can make it active and make the caster suffer from 1/2 of the damage, so it can't be abused?
i am sure all the skills that are made for this game will come out a little OP at first but will have to be tweaked during alpha/beta phases of the game. because one thing i know is what sounds OP on paper is completely different in game. Plus i am taking everything i get on here and doing a little tweaking as i begin to form my list.
ok so just ran some math and found out 400 skills is going to be waaaay over kill here. so the revised skills that i need to come up with is roughly 100 normal skills and 50 ultimate skills. i am currently at about 6 ultimates and 14 normal skills. i will post a full list of the skills after i have completed them but any more suggestions will help me narrow down the gap i have left! thanks again for all who have helped already, Warka

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