first the contents of this post
- Info about myself
- What I want to accomplish
- About the game idea
About myself
I am 22 years old and studying computer science. I worked as a programmer before and did business software in C# and Java. And I never fail to set ambitious goals . Sadly, I have no talent what so ever drawing pictures with any software.
What I want (or wanted) to accomplish
While I was digging deeper in C#, I realised that I would only learn more about how .Net is working under the hood. I was more interested in the low-level stuff of the Computer and the OS than that of the Framework.
So it was clear, my next project should be in C++, and so it came to me again: "Hey, why not make a cool game. It will be fun and easy, what could possibly go wrong?"
Now, after having so much fun thinking about the game design, story, lore, I really want to put my ideas into "reality", it isn't a learning project anymore.
About the game idea
This idea is very rough. The lore resembles "Hellgate London" a bit, where the humans have resolved to guerillia warfare against the monsters. The player takes control of one, or a group of four humans, I haven't decided yet.
The gameplay revolves around setting up basecamps,planning attacks, traps, emergency retreats and eliminating priority targets.
The player should plan his strategy in an overworld type of map.
I have two Ideas about the fight system:
1. Round based like jagged alliance. In this system, the user would take command over a group of Humans. This fight system seems very straight forward. I only have to think about a good "chance to hit" and a "can see/cannot see enemy" algorithm. Plus I like the choice you have to make to shoot for the head, body, legs, arms...
The bad side of it is that the whole gameplay is solely on strategy. It isn't that exciting I think.
2. real time fight system like "Alien Swarm".
I really like the simple but exciting gameplay of alien swarm. Here I would let the player control only one human. It also would have potential multiplayer fun.
But with this system i have the problem of bringing longer range combat into 2D space. In Jagged Alliance, you just move your view to the enemy, you have the time.
E: Removed questions that do not belong in this section