I'm working on an RPG with stances instead of classes.
There are 4 categories of spells requiring different resources. Think of it as mana.
So while you are in the red stance, you produce red mana which is required for red spells,
you switch to blue stance where you stop producing red mana (which is not lost by switching) and you get blue mana...
My current system shows the spells of the stance your are in, so when you switch to blue stance, you
get the spells of the blue category displayed in the action bar.
I am looking for a system allowing to combine spells or combine resources of different colors to get
a new spell, so there would be a lot of diversity and choice for the player to play their individual
Think of it like in Magic: the Gathering where you have multicolored spells costing mana of 2 or more
different colors.
If we take the classical fireball as an example, i want to give the player the option to use whatever
fireball he likes at any time in combat, be it a frostball slowing the taget and costing 1 blue mana
in addition to the red one or be it the meteor causing area of effect damage and costing 1 green mana
The main question is how to get a lot of spells and combinations into an action bar of maybe 6 slots.
Some of my ideas are
- something like the rune system in Diablo 3
where you are limited to the combinations you chose before combat.
contra: less variability and very limited choice during combat.
- a hidden tree system
where you switch to red stance, press 1 for fireball, press 2 for frostball.
contra: too many keystrokes until you get a spell out.
- a context-sensitive action bar,
showing only the spells you can afford with your actual resources.
contras: chaos! you never know where the skill you want to use is in the action bar.
You press the key for fireball at the same time you get another resource, so the action bar changes at the
wrong moment, causing you to cast the wrong spell, and if you have a lot of all resources, the action
bar is full while not showing all spells you could cast.
- a spell crafting system
where you throw spells and/or mana into a pot, combining them to new spells which could be quite interesting.
contra: see @ #1, everything must be done before combat.
- automatically adapting spells,
if you get blue mana in addition to the red mana already in your pool, the fireball spell in slot #1 changes to the
frostball spell.
contra: what if i want to produce the additional blue mana for something else and what if i want to cast a fireball NOW?
Or what if i have the resources for 4 different variations of fireball available ?
Which one will it change to and how can i cast the one not shown ?
- creation of new spells by combining base spells
this would only work with summoning spells as far as i can think of it. so you summon a zombie and you cast a ghost spell on
it, creating a transparent ghost zombie which takes less damage or something like that.
contra: no fireball variations ;)
- altering the base spell according to the stance you are in,
this requires showing all base spells in the action bar independant from your actual stance, so the
contra is obvious: chaos again. when using only 6 base spells in each category, the action bar must contain 24 slots,
which would require you to buy an additional keyboard ;)
None of these ideas is really great, but maybe you know the optimal solution ?
Wall of text, i know, but the topic is too complex to describe it in 10 words ;)
Thanks for reading and thinking about it.