
Help to find a name for a video game company

Started by July 12, 2012 05:13 PM
10 comments, last by Stormynature 12 years, 6 months ago
Hi everybody,
We're a french young team of developers and we make video games for PC, XBOX 360 and Microsoft Phone. But before, we currently are looking for a name for our company.
The only certainty we have is that the name we'll choose will have to finish by something like "Entertainment", "Software", "Game Studios", etc.

The name doesn't have to be only in English but should be pretty, rather short, easy to pronounce and available almost in .com.
Thanks for your help smile.png
Coming up with a company name can be quite some fun, but also time consuming if you can't agree on something! Anyway, the way we did it was in the first place use a random name generator and save names we liked. After that we each just added words to the list that we could come up with.

Once we had the list, I mixed up some of the words and came up with a couple of possibilities and we choose one of them!
This is not a Breaking In question. Moving to Business.

-- Tom Sloper --

I apologize for the mistake, I didn't know where to post, sorry.
So, I wondered whether it could be a good idea to invent a word (I mean, take two words and combinate them or use a word that doesn't exist).

For instance, I was thinking at something like Vegared Studios or Vegared Entertainment (both are avalaible in .com, like At one point I wanted to use "Octopus" in the name, because I love Lovecraft, so I thought that it could be a good idea but the problem is that I can't use it like this (because and are already taken...). So I should have to modify the word as it will keep its meaning but being usable and it's difficult...

I know that, even if we are just amateur, the name is very important and that's why I need your help to make the good choice.
Names are important. You should try looking at what kind of games you've already made, or even look at the team you have to find inspiration for a name. If your name is important to you it should identify you as a game company.

There is also the matter of not telling anyone what that name is prior to registering your domain. I've heard eerie stories of good domain names being bought and then re-sold to the individual who originally thought of the domain name.

Also, if you're going to be forming a company you should consider going to your local city center or city hall and finding information on how to register your company name in either LLC or LCC. Example: UltraAwesomeName .LCC/.LLC

Make sure it's available. I'm not sure to what degree a company can be registered. Whether it's local, state, national or international. I'll have to read up on that myself.
You'll want a lawyer to do a name search for you before you carve your company name in stone.

-- Tom Sloper --

Also, if you're going to be forming a company you should consider going to your local city center or city hall and finding information on how to register your company name in either LLC or LCC. Example: UltraAwesomeName .LCC/.LLC[/quote]

I guess it works like this in USA but we're French (that's also why my English must be imperfect). Anyway, I'll have to ask about company creation in France.
But before I have to find several ideas of name I could choose and that's what I'm currently looking for.
The problem is that it seems that, unless I create a new word, it's really difficult to find a good usable and available name for a company.
No ideas ?

No ideas ?

Please rephrase the question. Are you asking people to invent company names for you?

-- Tom Sloper --

Please rephrase the question. Are you asking people to invent company names for you?[/quote]

No, I just need some help to find name ideas, to give me a lead.

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