

Started by July 11, 2012 03:20 PM
33 comments, last by MrJoshL 12 years, 1 month ago
Is this, in any way, related to Pouya?

Is this, in any way, related to Pouya?

Isn't that a popstar?
It might be a fun box to hack on, but I doubt it'll amount to much mainstreamily. If I'm going to hack on anything, though, I'd probably pick up a Raspberry Pi, or install linux on an outdated PC.

I'm not interested in PS3, Xbox360, Xbox720, or PS4 - I'm more of a PC gamer myself, and enjoy Steam. I'm certainly not interested in Ouya, but if the rumored Steam boxes materialize, I might pick up one of those (if price <= $100), simply for the convenience of having games available of the big screen for others to play, even while the only desktop machine is being camped by me for programming purposes.

[quote name='alnite' timestamp='1342214194' post='4958919']
Is this, in any way, related to Pouya?

Isn't that a popstar?
She (he?) is a older member back three or four years ago. I lol'd.
rite teh code
Holy crap. So we've been talking about this a bit at work and I just checked the kickstarter to see how much money it has and I noticed one of their images had Madden on it. I work on the Madden games so that is funny. What bothers me then is that they are posting this about indies and put a bunch of games on the menu that are not indie games and will never come out on the Ouya (such as Madden). Whats also stranger then is their menu says what friends are playing Madden and other games in their dashboard and it says they have friends playing Madden on it. Sure its a dashboard with mockups, but I have to believe when they show those games such as Shadowgun, that its probably not even running on the console since their mockups are even completely bogus.

NBA2K, Madden, Maneater, Killing Floor, Sims

Having done both hardware and software development, neither is that hard. That said, most people are stupid. So yeah, Phantom 2.

[Formerly "capn_midnight". See some of my projects. Find me on twitter tumblr G+ Github.]

Bump for end of the kick-starter campaign.

Final backers - 63,416.
Final pledges - $8,596,475.

Pre-orders (backers with pledges of $99 and up) - 59,748.

Kickstarter must be loving the gaming community right now; their commission of 5% is $429,823.75!

So there you go. It turns out that offering to build an alternative "open" current-gen games console nets you 60k pre-orders, and $8M cash.

So there you go. It turns out that offering to build an alternative "open" current-gen games console nets you 60k pre-orders, and $8M cash.

At least once. If they release a product that doesn't live up to it's expectations, or they don't release a product at all then nobody is getting close to that again. :P

[quote name='Hodgman' timestamp='1344510172' post='4967713']
So there you go. It turns out that offering to build an alternative "open" current-gen games console nets you 60k pre-orders, and $8M cash.

At least once. If they release a product that doesn't live up to it's expectations, or they don't release a product at all then nobody is getting close to that again. tongue.png
Maybe not all of them, but I'm confident a healthy portion would pledge again if the "Ouya 2.0", along with its carefully engineered campaign, was sufficiently different from its forebear. A tribute to both human persistence and naive credulity. happy.png

“If I understand the standard right it is legal and safe to do this but the resulting value could be anything.”

I pledged $130.00 in order to obtain an Ouya with two controllers in March. :)

I'm so glad they were able to raise well beyond their goals! Just goes to show that with the right advertising and marketing (and product, obviously), dreams can come true!

Even if this console doesn't become "mainstream" (which, honestly, I don't expect to happen), it's still a great way to learn about developing for consoles, and it'll be a fun device to hack and make into your own thing. I can't wait to make my own games for it, and play some of my favorite Android games on my 1080p HD TV upstairs in the living room. :D

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