
Most used 3D design software in big game developments? 3DStudio Max or Maya?

Started by July 01, 2012 09:45 AM
2 comments, last by Bleffort 12 years, 6 months ago

Hi, I have some experience with Max and Blender but I've heard that Maya is most used in big game productions, although not everyone agrees in that...

¿Which is most used, 3DS Max or Maya? Is any characteristic of one of them a big advantatge for game modeling and animation?

Thank you.

They are both used. It usually just depends on the preferences of the senior staff. Big game studios with enough money will have both available to their staff.

At my current job, we use Softimage. At my previous job we used Maya. At the job before that, we used both Max and Maya. At the job before that, we used Max.
From what I've heard, Maya is used usually for animation(movies, commercials) and MAX is used for modeling in general. 3DS MAX is probably the most popular of them all.
[size=2]Ruby on Rails, ASP.NET MVC, jQuery and everything else web.. now also trying my hand on games.
Thank you. I will continue learning Max then.

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