
Texture coordinates export problem

Started by January 10, 2000 03:05 PM
0 comments, last by DLife 25 years, 1 month ago
Hi. I have problems converting objects from 3D Studio Max to my own format for DirectX. I have tryed all object formats conversions .max->.x, .ase->.x, .3ds->.x, also I have tryed direct .x file export from 3D Studio Max. But after conversion I always have problems with texture coordinates. For example - in 3D Studio Max I set tiling to 3, W angle to 45 and UV start coords to 10,10. But in .x file coords calculated with tiling 1, W angle 0 and UV start coords 0,0. Maybe someone know how I can export object with good texture coordinates? Sergej. Thanks. Edited by - DLife on 1/10/00 3:07:56 PM
Actually yeah,

I''m having that same problem. I''m just trying to export to the DirectX file format .X and the texture coords never come up right.

I modeled a guy in a Karate suit, in 3DSMAX it looks good, but when I export to X there are like black spots and the coors are all twisted. I''ve tried all kinds of different exporters. conv3ds does the job, but I start off having 400 vertices, and end up having 1500 or somethin''. And I can''t morph properly with the same mesh just changed a bit in 3DS cuz the vertex indices are messed up.

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