If anyone could help me determine what I did wrong, here's the exact email in question, only without my real name at the end (due to privacy policies I'd like to keep over the net):
[font=arial, sans-serif]Hello Mr. Carlos B. Garcia Aparicio,[/font]
[font=arial, sans-serif]I suppose I should cut to the chase when it comes to the subject matter. I was hoping to legally develop an Anima video game, but there's a bunch of problems that I need to address first off with myself in this regard.
First off, I'm a guy that's learning how to develop and program video games with what I can gather from different resources, though I had been focusing on learning Visual Basic and Visual C# 2010 for a while with the books that I bought that are for beginner level people. I don't want to screw this project up, supposing that I get allowed to do it, so that's why I plan on doing this in 2D for now (given that I do not know how to do 3D programming at the moment).
Second off, I'm a guy that has experience writing fan fiction, but not enough original works. I plan on fixing that tidbit of information by writing an original novel, so for a while of my time, I plan on also working on an original novel (though I don't want it to distract me from my already planned works, and I definitely don't want it to distract me from the video game that I'm hoping to work on, should it pan out). However, I was thinking that you would at least understand that I'm trying my hardest with originality, given the circumstances that I have.[/font]
[font=arial, sans-serif]Third, I don't have a whole team to back me in the creation of any game that I might decide to work on, I'm in this on my own at the moment. If I ever get help, it might not be a long-term help, so that would affect on how long it takes me to complete it. This means no complex technologies, no nothing of the sort, and only some moderately good resources for a 2D project. I only have some computer-based tech that is more for creating RPGs specifically (and anything else with a bit of work).
That's all that I can think of for problems at the current time, so let me go into a bit of depth about what I'm going to use for making the game, if only as a case of "not in it for the money".
The tool in question that I'm using is RPG Maker, with which I'll be making the maps and doing the database stuff to create characters and the different features, such as a unique battle system for this particular game that matches what Anima does for different characters that get created, as well as a unique menu system to deal with everything that goes on in the game, to name some things.[/font]
[font=arial, sans-serif]So, in all honesty, I don't know if I'll be allowed to make this game, but a guy can hope, right? I had some ideas down last year, but it took a long while to find out the needed email address to contact you, so that's why I am only now coming to you to ask for permission to make this.[/font]
[font=arial, sans-serif]Also, on another note, what is the policy of writing fiction for the setting? I'm sure you have the answer to that one, but as I said earlier, I'm naturally a fan author when I shouldn't be.[/font]
[font=arial, sans-serif]Anyway, *ahem* sorry about that, guess that should be for another email.[/font]
[font=arial, sans-serif]At any rate, hope to speak with you soon, Mister Carlos B. Garcia Aparicio.[/font]
[font=arial, sans-serif]Sincerely,[/font]
[font=arial, sans-serif]"Xamusel"[/font][/quote]
...Yeah, that was a bad email, wasn't it?
Could someone please help me get the right steps down to ensure I don't have a repeat of the last time?
Note that my username was used as a stand-in for my actual name. I don't feel comfortable sharing my real name here unless needed.