
Regarding a proper way to get permission to make a "fan-game"

Started by May 06, 2012 05:02 PM
13 comments, last by Tom Sloper 12 years, 9 months ago

Carlos Blás García Aparicio


Contact details including number

Press release regarding the studio's anima game "Ark of Sinners"


I am not sure why you were having difficulties tracking down the information. This took only a few minutes of cross-referencing links. Without intending insult you might wish to consider looking into something like the following:


Either way I wish you luck in your quest to make a fan game.

[quote name='Xamusel' timestamp='1336441343' post='4938255']
It took a while for me to notice this, due to being busy with other things, and that's something I don't think you'd be inclined to hear about.

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Okay, maybe I wasn't looking hard enough, but at least I should've seen that coming. Either way, thank you for helping me out, Stormynature.

Also, I had forgotten to click on the [Follow this topic] button, so forgive me about that. It's something I honestly should do in the future.

No, you weren't insulting in what you said about trying to find things on Google better, I can understand what you were trying to do.
Lots of great advice (Tom always does that) smile.png

Commenting on the substance of your email..

Your email does pretty much the opposite of what it's supposed to do rolleyes.gif. You emphasize that you're 1) just learning and 2) don't actually a team or any experience. Yet you want to take his property--his baby--his creation, and make it into a game.
I'm not suggesting you be deceitful, but listing your shortcomings is not the way to get him interested.
Rather, impress him, wow him and flatter him with your incredible enthusiasm for his property. Talk about how great it would fit a vision you have of your game. Make references to characters, plot, etc (but don't go on and on... people HATE overly lengthy emails).

Because, frankly, your youthful enthusiasm is your only selling point to him (since you by admission are inexperienced and have no team).

Also don't mention things like Visual C#, RPG tools etc. He has no idea what those are, and doesn't care. And don't say things like "I had some ideas a year ago, but am only not getting around to....". All that does is make you look unorganized-- do you rabidly and passionately want to make a great game from his property? Or is this something that you'll stick on the backburner again for another year.

Finally-- and I am not necessarily advocating this approach... Sometimes people/fans just go ahead and make their game. Yes, it is clearly in violation of copyright. But it also gives you something to show the property holder.

There are a couple interesting examples: The original "star wars lightsabre" app was done without permission of Lucas. Yet they made it (in clear violation of copyright) and put it on the app store. Of course Lucas found out about it-- in the end they came to a license agreement.

Apologies if my critique of your letter comes off as harsh-- The intent was to help you see your writing through your recipients eyes, rather than your own, so that next time you craft a better letter!

Good Luck
Brian Schmidt
Executive Director, GameSoundCon
GameSoundCon 2012: Oct 24/25 San Francisco, CA

Brian Schmidt

Executive Director, GameSoundCon:

GameSoundCon 2016:September 27-28, Los Angeles, CA

Founder, Brian Schmidt Studios, LLC

Music Composition & Sound Design

Audio Technology Consultant

Thank you, Brian. I understand where you're coming from, if it helps matters.

Yeah, something I should mention about my phone plan, I don't have International Phone Calls on it. Therefore, I'll stick with email as my option, for now at least.
You're still very early in learning to program at all, it appears, let alone games. My advice is to set this idea of making a fan-game, or indeed any game, aside for awhile. It's good to have it as a goal--something tangible and finite to work towards--but jumping in too early as you have is only distracting you from what you should be doing in the here and now: learning to program.

You're doing more than putting the cart ahead of the horse, you're putting an entire train of carts in front of the horse. Just take things one step (or cart) at a time.

throw table_exception("(? ???)? ? ???");

about my phone plan, I don't have International Phone Calls on it. Therefore, I'll stick with email as my option, for now at least.

If you can't afford to make a phone call, you can't afford to make a fan game. Because another piece of advice we're sure to give you (upon your asking something else later on this project) is to hire a lawyer. So I'm with Ravyne on this - make something else instead.

-- Tom Sloper --

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