[quote name='AltarofScience' timestamp='1334107042' post='4930066']
[quote name='swiftcoder' timestamp='1334060362' post='4929873']
[quote name='Bacterius' timestamp='1334050320' post='4929836']
See I was thinking the other day about some kind of concept where you actually script your own AI, e.g. you control a bunch of characters and you can script their own individual AI using some kind of language (like choose a default target, what do to if the healer is being attacked, and being able to communicate with the other character's AI's and giving/receiving orders, etc...). Kind of like robocode but less academic.
A number of 'hardcore' RPGs already allow something like this. For example, take a look at Dragon Age's
Tactics - it's nowhere near a full scripting language, but it allows you to quite significantly change the behaviour of allied NPCs.
I have been designing, and doing a little programming on, an mmorpg where the player avatars never log off and you can set yours to various behaviors, or allow others to use it while you are offline. You can set various general and specific orders, and there are default settings, like defend your town if its attacked or handle shopkeeping. Complex stuff might involve gathering resources or following along on raiding or something.
What will probably end up happening is that I will say fuck it too much work and just make a single player game with AI and play it by myself. Because as everyone here would be glad to tell me, mmorpgs are almost impossible alone.
Try an LMORPG? A Low-Multiplayer-Online. Expected to have no more than 100 users on a server, more likely 20-50 on average.
But personally I think the idea of "Always Logged in", while a great theory, is likely going to prove exceptionally hard to pull off due to griefers. In a large scale game, people would find ways to abuse any automated system you put in, and force players to do something to have a negative impact on the character while they're not there to stop it. So doing it in a smaller scale environment where users can have more control over the server may be better. If they're allowed to host their own invite only servers, then the problem of griefers fall on their shoulders, not yours. After all, they were the ones who invited them.
Well the game has no PvP, and the PvE is cooperative, essentially its the players vs the environment and fucking up another player hurts you too. Also I was thinking of a restricted server, ie you would have to be vouched for by current players to join. And its not really commercial, so small playerbase is no biggy. Also not anyone can just walk up and use your avatar, you can list first the things it is allowed to do, and second which players are allowed to use it for which things.
I guess someone could still grief if they worked hard but instant perma ban kinda makes it so you would have to spend months building up a character to get one small griefing chance.
This would never work in an open sign ups commercial game of course.