
IPAD is the new WIN PC?

Started by February 18, 2012 05:10 PM
49 comments, last by Lithic 12 years, 6 months ago
too many good thing to mention, but i'm sold. i'm getting the latest ipad.

some more quotes:

"[color=#000000][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]

Perpetuating the lead is the wealth of apps that are custom designed for the iPad, something other tablet manufacturers lack. Cook said there were 200,000 apps designed specifically for its tablet.


[color=#000000][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]

Read more:"


i'm going to sleep now. ars technica is probably going to have lots of article on ipad tomorrow. but i'm happy. same price. and all is 3G and more :-)
Windows OS is for work
iOS is for play

iPad is not going to take over windows till it becomes functional not a fad. Its a nightmare to just copy & paste in iPad or any tablet, speed and effort of changing from one application to another is also & soon becomes a bottleneck. IPad is ok for personal recreation but its not efficient or easy to use for work.
So has the Ipad 3 been released, or is this yet another announcement-of-pre-announcement endless news coverage? There are lots of new exciting non-Apple devices I have bought and will buy.

I think misunderstanding has derailed the thread course.

When I said, originally, in my first post, that ipad is the new PC, is that people buying it because of the software available, not the OS/hardware itself.
Well I don't necessarily disagree with that, as I say in my first post - though I think it's hard to assume there's a single reason. People buy all kinds of different devices, for all kinds of different reasons, one of those reasons being software.

Second I wasn't talking about smart phone ( or non smart phone. yes, I know nokia is popular in that area - not everyone has money. so something that cost 1/20th of Galaxy Note might have 20 times higher sales or something).[/quote]We were still talking about smartphones there smile.png - Nokia are popular in smartphones too, and all of the references in this thread to have them have still been on smartphones - though to be honest, the distinction between smartphone and "feature" phone is fuzzy, arbitrary and really came about because of marketing.

I think some people buying at the low end "feature" phone will still consider things like the software platform. Other people will care more about the hardware - as they will for higher end "smart" phones or "tablets".

I was talking about tablets.[/quote]Phones are tablets smile.png Of course, I think there's a difference between a 10" tablet and a 4" tablet; but the difference between a 4" tablet and a 4" smartphone is simply the traditional phone functionality (and the difference is even more slight when you consider a tablet with 3G network, and running something like Skype).

Win 7 tablet is no go. wasn't create for finger use[/quote]Exactly - so we shouldn't judge Windows 8 by it.

and the pen is problematic at best (at least Toshiba models i tried) but that's my opnion. Maybe I'm too spolied with my Genius graphic tablet and expect a Win 7 tablet pen to be equally responsive and easy to use (and to me, it didn't).[/quote]Whilst it would be nice to have a pen-tablet that's as good as a graphics tablet, I'm not sure that's a fair comparison either. The question is, is it more accurate and responsive to simply using a finger (since that's all you get when comparing to tablets that don't support that)?

And Android have this "Linux problem" (my term). not only there are numerous version, even the same version have numerous company branch[/quote]Which numerous versions? With GNU/Linux you have different distributions. This is not the case with Android.

(which could change a lot of thing, including not allowing your newly bought phone for use to develop app and debug, can't be used for debugging app.[/quote]I'm curious what you mean by this?

Anyway, win 8 tablet is new in the game. Android is too scattered. And now developers are focusing ipad. hence my earlier post regarding software that i wanted, and only available on ipad. maybe in the future and the time have came for me to buy my second tablet, i might go to win 8 tablet. but right now, ipad is too established.[/quote]Sure, but if everyone only went for the current established leader, then no one should ever buy Macs or Iphones.

Yes, Apple on mobile do seem to get a lot more software support - not that I think it's deserved or fair (as I say above, on phones it's not that they're the largest platform - it's as if people developed for Macs and not Windows). However, raw "app" counts are meaningless - there's still plenty of software on Android to do what anyone wants. And this is one problem that Windows won't have, since it will have all the massive software support than Windows already has - which is way beyond anything Ipad.

In particular, I note that the fact that "application ported to Ipad" makes news headlines, tells you that it's a rare event. Is it headline news when someone releases something for Windows? Not really.

Perpetuating the lead is the wealth of apps that are custom designed for the iPad, something other tablet manufacturers lack. Cook said there were 200,000 apps designed specifically for its tablet.[/quote]What does "custom designed" even mean? If it means something, has this Cook guy gone through every one of those applications, and tested to see if it was "custom designed", whatever that means?

As I say though, raw counts are meaningless (and that doesn't change just by adding the marketing speak of "custom designed"). But if you want to compare, how many apps do you think there are for Windows, compared with OS X or Ipad?


On a related note, I have been reading more about Windows on ARM - it seems that this isn't simply a port, but rather a locked down version that only runs the Metro/"tablet" applications, which can only be sold through Microsoft's site, as far as I can tell (Windows on ARM seems more like a new OS somewhere between Windows Phone and full blown PC Windows). (If MS had done this on their own, they'd rightly be criticised - but because Apple do it and just get positive media response, MS can now get away with it.) So whilst I have nothing against ARM, I do find myself hoping that Windows does better on x86 tablets than ARM. More generally, if the future of computing is won by ARM, it looks like you can kiss goodbye to open computing. - Erebus, Open Source RPG for Windows/Linux/Android - Conquests, Open Source Civ-like Game for Windows/Linux

I can't comment for the USA, but the "world" is bigger than that and over here (Europe) I don't see as many Apple phones/pads/hardware as you mention. Apple as home-desktop is pretty much non-existant, and I've never seen an iPad in my life. iPhones sure, but the users of those usually seem to keep them out and they use them a lot more than, at least I, do.

I can't comment for the USA, but the "world" is bigger than that and over here (Europe) I don't see as many Apple phones/pads/hardware as you mention. Apple as home-desktop is pretty much non-existant, and I've never seen an iPad in my life. iPhones sure, but the users of those usually seem to keep them out and they use them a lot more than, at least I, do.

Where in Europe do you live? Here in Sweden, there are lots of iPads, iPhones, etc. Many people have Mac laptops, especially in the universities. You barely see any PC laptops, and if you do, they run Linux.

[quote name='SymLinked' timestamp='1331292143' post='4920636']
I can't comment for the USA, but the "world" is bigger than that and over here (Europe) I don't see as many Apple phones/pads/hardware as you mention. Apple as home-desktop is pretty much non-existant, and I've never seen an iPad in my life. iPhones sure, but the users of those usually seem to keep them out and they use them a lot more than, at least I, do.

Where in Europe do you live? Here in Sweden, there are lots of iPads, iPhones, etc. Many people have Mac laptops, especially in the universities. You barely see any PC laptops, and if you do, they run Linux.

That's funny because I do live in Sweden as well. I do not frequent any universities though.

Outside of universities, I can't believe there are that many iPads here.
[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif]

I find it amazing that there are probably more people who use an iPad than they use a Mac OSX. I wonder what is the percentage of people who have a iPad and a Win PC. For instance, out of all the Win PC users in the US, X% have an iPad as well. If the iPad was a desktop, would people switch?

well thats cause ipads are selling gangbusters (how many million last quarter), perhaps youre not aware of it but each quarter macos PC's have been growing at a far faster rate than windows PC's roughly at an order of magnitude larger! windows marketshare has been dropping quite quickly

Not convinced, goto amazon

the best 4 selling PC's are all mac's! 5 years ago, you'ld be lucky to see one in the top 25. The growth of ipod->iphone->ipad has also helped the mac OS marketshare greatly

I'm curious what you mean by this?

I bought Garmin Asus A50 due to:

a) I need a free GPS device
b) I could use an upgrade from my Windows .61 mobile (also Asus).
c) Android is OPEN (more on this later)
d) i want to develop games/app for it.

Now let me talk about point c and d. Because of it's openess, every vendor can modify and make it their own (while I live in Malaysia, I think AT&T at a time locked their Androind from app being side loaded?

Well, it seems Garmin Asus won't allow, or making it incompatible, with Android app debugger. Or mybe I'm not smart enough. No matter what I tried and what I do, I just cannot connect it to my pc, click run on the development studio, and test and debug in on my android phone.

The problem with this vendor version is that whatever you read on the forum regarding android, even if it the same version, says 2.1, might not apply to your phone because of vendor modification.

It also the cheapest option (with combination of other thing at the moment like for reading books and productivity tools) to serve as a graphis tablet ala cintiq (although not as accurate). with, and combined that autodesk software will be exclusive to ipad (which is my original point in the first post - exclusive app on ipad).

Permalink to my comment on ars technia article if people are going to buy one.

I have nothing to complain about windows, ms or Win 8 (I used win mobile 6.1, so i know the experience. nothing to complain there. works as advertised).

I find it amazing that there are probably more people who use an iPad than they use a Mac OSX. I wonder what is the percentage of people who have a iPad and a Win PC. For instance, out of all the Win PC users in the US, X% have an iPad as well. If the iPad was a desktop, would people switch?

well thats cause ipads are selling gangbusters (how many million last quarter), perhaps youre not aware of it but each quarter macos PC's have been growing at a far faster rate than windows PC's roughly at an order of magnitude larger! windows marketshare has been dropping quite quickly

Not convinced, goto amazon

the best 4 selling PC's are all mac's! 5 years ago, you'ld be lucky to see one in the top 25. The growth of ipod->iphone->ipad has also helped the mac OS marketshare greatly

Yeah, I think we have come to the chicken or egg moment. Previously it was either two. will people come to mac first and developer will support it, or developer will support it and then people come?

ipad create a lot of mac compatible developers, and from what i heard, apple is trying to make it sync friendly or something, or close knitted, just like windows mmobile phone and windows os. anyway, to cut long strory short, people are no longer locked to windows.

and interestingly (sadly or happyly?) now that I must use autodesk mobile app, I'm locked to ipad. (and artrage ipad, and flstudio ipad ,and many other things...)

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