Enter a single-screen, single-player, arcade-style game in which filthy human plumbers are trying to go down your pipes and steal the king's mushrooms. And you hate that. It makes your job that much more complicated. Plus the king hates paying you all that overtime, so you really wanna do this quick.
1. Description of the Screen
- At the bottom of the screen is a 2D platform a few rows high that the turtle can walk on.
- There are several 1D platforms above the turtle's platform on which the plumbers can run as they descend on the player.
2. Player Movement, Attack and Scoring
- The turtle can move left, right, up, and down around a 2D platform at the bottom of the screen, and he can also shoot a net straight up at on-coming plumbers.
- The turtle cannot jump. So if an enemy object is on his platform, he can only try and avoid that object by moving around his 2D platform.
- When a plumber is caught with a net, he falls right down past your platform, presumably to be tortured by the king, who pays you 10 points for doing so. In addition, the king also pays you a bonus of 100 points for every 10 plumbers you catch, and 1000 points (not 10 points) for each red-and-blue plumber you catch. You're paid 1 point for each barrel you catch. This is also your job, and so the king also pays you wages of 1 point per 5 minutes of play. (So hey, this blue-collar turtle makes a good 20 points per hour plus a hefty commission. Not bad.)
- You have infinite nets, but you can only shoot one once the last net you launched has either disappeared past the top of the screen or it has landed (a la Centipede).
- If you shoot a net into an open pipe, it plugs it. Then, any plumber or barrel that enters this pipe is caught and the net falls down as it normally would, at which point the pipe is open again. If you shoot a net at a plugged pipe, it doesn't do anything and you're just wasting time.
3. Enemy Plumbers and Rolling Barrels
- Very short, yellow plumbers are most common and run down each platform until they can enter a pipe, at which point they exit out the other end of the pipe and keep going down the screen. They make no attempt to attack or evade the turtle.
- Tall, skinny, green plumbers walk down each platform at a slower pace than the yellow plumbers, but randomly lay more pipe down from one platform to the one below it, thus making it easy for other plumbers and barrels to descend upon the player. They make no attempt to attack the player, but they do retreat and jump to avoid being caught in a net.
- Stalky, red-and-blue plumbers are enemy heroes that run down each platform and try to jump over each plumber, inspiring that plumber to be more awesome and move quicker than usual. They spit fire at the turtle and jump to avoid being caught in a net, but they don't retreat.
- There are also barrels which roll down each platform and down each pipe until they get to the turtle's platform, at which point the player has a good chance of being killed.
And that's what I have so far. I don't really want to jump in and start programming a game like this, but it sounds like a good use of GameMaker (which seems to work okay under Wine+Mono for Windows on Linux). I think some things need to be adjusted and I also need a simple way for the game to progress, level by level. Maybe to reach each level, the player only has to survive and beat a certain score for the next level. So that means that the king just gets tired of paying all these bonuses to the blue-collar turtle, and he impatiently bombs the plumbers' platforms instead, which gives you a break from all the plumbers and barrels and also clears away all their pipes.
What do you think so far?