

Started by February 14, 2012 03:07 AM
0 comments, last by jbadams 12 years, 11 months ago
Me and an associate are currently developing a game we most likely will post to steam. We are searching for someone who can program in Java and has some experience making games. Are idea is currently a 2-d hack and slash platformer, further details will be given to those who express interest, and email me at [color=#ff0000][REMOVED FROM POST] if you are interested. Thank You.
"Help Wanted" type posts need to be placed in our new "Classifieds" section (accessible from the top navigation bar) of the site under an appropriate category.

I would suggest that you'll probably have better luck attracting good help if you share more information up front, but that's entirely up to you.

Good luck! smile.png

- Jason Astle-Adams

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