
Combos to market games on Xbox 360

Started by February 08, 2012 08:58 AM
-1 comments, last by philippedasilva 12 years, 11 months ago

Since Microsoft enabled indie developers to target their console as a mean to distribute their games, a lot of the Xbox 360 dashboard updates made it more difficult to find their games by players.
A lot of Xbox Live Independent Game developers commented on the issues brought by Microsoft deciding to push indie games visibility deeper and deeper in the navigation hierarchy affecting sales.

While I do understand their point, it always has been clear that Microsoft wouldn't consider marketing XBLIG and it would be indies' responsability to market their games.

However, since Xbox 360 is a close platform, being able to direct potential customers to your game on their console isn't an easy task as it's very difficult to explain them where to find their game.
We still have the ability to direct potential players to the game's product page in the marketplace and ask them to order it and place your game in their Xbox 360 download queue but it isn't as friendly as doing the same directly in their console the same way they'd do with Xbox Live Arcade games or established publishers' games that get a higher visibility in the Dashboard.

I therefore brainstormed about this issue and I believe I found an interesting idea to help market games on Xbox 360 that could serve not only indie developers but also the whole game developers ecosystem.

I explain this idea on my blog and I'd like to get as much feedback as I can and potentially reach one of the Xbox 360 product managers so they include this simple suggestion in their features list.

Here is the link to my blog entry: http://indiefreaks.c...0-a-suggestion/


Philippe Da Silva
Indiefreaks studio

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